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class='chineseVerse'>1</span>新約主要是一部記寫耶穌基督的塵世生命、教導和贖罪,祂教會的建立,以及在祂升天之後,持續指導其早期門徒從事聖工的紀錄。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>2</span>This lesson is intended to prepare and motivate students to study the New Testament by introducing them to two major themes found in the teachings of Jesus Christ and His ancient Apostles: the Savior’s repeated invitation to come unto Him and the responsibility of His disciples to assist others to do the same.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>2</span>本課旨在幫助學生準備好研讀新約,並激勵他們這麼做;為達此目的,教師將透過耶穌基督和祂的古代使徒的教導,向學生介紹兩個主要的主題:即救主一再地邀請人們歸向祂,以及祂的門徒有責任協助他人歸向祂。</p> <div class='section'>Suggestions for Teaching</div> <div class='section'>教學建議</div> <div class='section'>The New Testament helps us come unto Jesus Christ</div> <div class='section'>新約能幫助我們歸向耶穌基督</div> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>3</span>Before class, write the following question on the board: What are some difficult burdens that youth experience in our day?</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>3</span>上課前,將以下的問題寫在白板上:我們這個時代的青少年承受哪些難以負荷的重擔?</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>4</span>Bring to class an empty box or backpack and heavy objects to put in the box or backpack, such as large rocks or books.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>4</span>將一個空箱子或空背包帶到課堂上,同時也帶一些可放進箱子或背包的沉重物品,如大石頭或書籍。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>5</span>Invite a student to come to the front of the room, and ask him or her to hold the empty box or to put on the backpack.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>5</span>請一位學生到教室前面來,請他(她)拿著空箱子或背著背包。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>6</span>Ask the class to respond to the question written on the board, and ask another student to list students’ responses on the board.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>6</span>請全班回答寫在白板上的問題,並請另一位學生將大家的回答列在白板上。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>7</span>After each response, place a heavy object in the box or backpack until it is full.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>7</span>在每個回答之後,將一個重物放進箱子或背包,直到裝滿為止。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>8</span>How would you feel if you had to carry this burden all day?</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>8</span>如果你必須整天背負這個重擔,你會有什麼感覺?</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>9</span>Ask students to explain challenges or difficulties that a few of the burdens listed on the board could cause someone.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>9</span>請學生說明列在白板上的一些重擔,會為一個人帶來哪些挑戰或困難。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>10</span>Explain that the New Testament teaches us about Jesus Christ’s mortal and post-resurrection ministries, including His teachings, miracles, atoning sacrifice, and visits to early church disciples.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>10</span>說明新約教導我們有關耶穌基督在塵世和復活後的傳道事工,包括祂的教導、奇蹟、贖罪犧牲,以及拜訪早期的教會門徒。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>11</span>Throughout His teachings and interactions with others is a repeated truth that can help us with the burdens we carry.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>11</span>祂所有的教導和與人往來的情形,一再顯示出一項真理,這真理能幫助我們背負這些重擔。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>12</span>Explain that Matthew 11 includes an example of this major theme that students will see often in their study of the New Testament this year.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>12</span>說明馬太福音第11章包含了這項主要主題的一個例子,學生在今年研讀新約時,會經常看到這個主題。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>13</span>Invite a student to read Matthew 11:28 aloud.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>13</span>請一位學生讀出馬太福音11:28。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>14</span>Ask the class to follow along, looking for the Savior’s invitation to those who carry difficult burdens.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>14</span>請全班跟著仔細看,找出救主對那些背負艱難重擔的人所提出的邀請。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>15</span>What do you think it means to labor and be heavy laden?</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>15</span>你認為勞苦擔重擔是什麼意思?</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>16</span>What did the Savior say we must do in order to receive His rest? (Using students’ words, write the following principle on the board: As we come unto Jesus Christ with our burdens, He will give us rest.)</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>16</span>救主說我們必須做什麼才能得享祂的安息?(用學生的話在白板上寫出以下原則:只要我們帶著重擔歸向耶穌基督,祂就會使我們得享安息。)</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>17</span>What do you think it means to come unto Jesus Christ?</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>17</span>你認為歸向耶穌基督是什麼意思?</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>18</span>To help students understand what it means to come unto Christ, invite a student to read Matthew 11:29–30 aloud.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>18</span>為了幫助學生了解歸向基督是什麼意思,請一位學生讀出馬太福音11:29-30。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>19</span>Ask the class to follow along, looking for the Savior’s instructions to those who desire to come unto Him.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>19</span>請全班跟著仔細看,找出救主對那些渴望歸向祂的人有何指示。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>20</span>According to these verses, what must we do in order to come unto Christ?</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>20</span>根據這些經文,我們必須做什麼來歸向基督?</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>21</span>Draw a picture of a yoke for oxen on the board, or show a picture of a yoke.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>21</span>在白板上畫一個牛的軛,或展示軛的圖片。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>22</span>Explain that a yoke is a wooden beam that joins or couples a pair of oxen or other animals, enabling them to pull together on a load.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>22</span>說明軛是連結兩頭牛或兩隻其他動物的橫木桿,使牠們能一起拉重物。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>23</span>What is the purpose and benefit of a yoke? (Although the yoke is a weight or a burden, it allows both animals to combine their power and strength, thereby increasing their productivity.)</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>23</span>軛的用途和好處是什麼?(雖然軛有重量,是個負擔,但能讓兩隻動物聯合彼此的力量和力氣,藉此增加牠們的生產力。)</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>24</span>What do you think it means to take the Savior’s yoke upon us?</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>24</span>你認為負救主的軛是什麼意思?</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>25</span>Invite a student to read aloud the following statement by Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>25</span>請一位學生讀出以下十二使徒定額組大衛·貝納長老的話,</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>26</span>Ask the class to listen for how we can take the Savior’s yoke upon us and what blessings we can receive by doing so.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>26</span>請全班仔細聽,找出我們要如何承擔救主的軛,以及這麼做能讓我們獲得哪些祝福。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>27</span>“A yoke places animals side-by-side so they can move together in order to accomplish a task.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>27</span>「軛使得動物肩並肩,能一起行動,完成任務。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>28</span>“Consider the Lord’s uniquely individual invitation to ‘take my yoke upon you.’</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>28</span>「請思考主這項獨特的個人邀請:『你們當負我的軛。』</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>29</span>Making and keeping sacred covenants yokes us to and with the Lord Jesus Christ.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>29</span>訂立和遵守聖約能讓我們與主耶穌基督共負一軛。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>30</span>In essence, the Savior is beckoning us to rely upon and pull together with Him, even though our best efforts are not equal to and cannot be compared with His.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>30</span>其實,救主是在呼喚我們信靠祂,與祂一起行動,雖然我們的努力與祂的努力相比,遙不可及。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>31</span>As we trust in and pull our load with Him during the journey of mortality, truly His yoke is easy and His burden is light.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>31</span>當我們在人生旅途中信賴祂,有祂與我們一起背負重擔時,的確,祂的軛是容易的,擔子是輕省的。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>32</span>“We are not and never need be alone.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>32</span>「我們不孤獨,也不必孤獨。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>33</span>We can press forward in our daily lives with heavenly help.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>33</span>我們可以在日常生活中靠著上天的幫助前進。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>34</span>Through the Savior’s Atonement we can receive capacity and ‘strength beyond [our] own’ (‘Lord, I Would Follow Thee,’ Hymns, no. 220)” (“Bear Up Their Burdens with Ease,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2014, 88).</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>34</span>透過救主的贖罪,我們可以獲得能力,『為世人努力服務』(『主,我願跟隨你』,聖詩選輯,第137首)」(參閱「減輕他們的重擔」,2014年5月,利阿賀拿,第88頁)。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>35</span>What “yokes” us to the Savior Jesus Christ?</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>35</span>哪些事情能讓我們與救主耶穌基督共負一「軛」?</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>36</span>According to Elder Bednar, what are the blessings of being yoked to the Savior?</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>36</span>根據貝納長老所說,與救主共負一軛的祝福是什麼?</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>37</span>Point out that the Savior’s promise of “rest” in Matthew 11:28–29 does not necessarily mean that He will always remove our problems or challenges.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>37</span>指出救主在馬太福音11:28-29所應許的「安息」,並不一定表示祂會除去我們的問題或挑戰。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>38</span>Often, the Savior will give us the peace and strength we need to overcome or endure our trials, thus making our burdens lighter.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>38</span>通常,救主會給我們所需的平安和力量,幫助我們克服或忍受考驗,使我們的負擔減輕。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>39</span>If we are faithful through the challenges of mortality, the ultimate rest we will receive is exaltation with God (see D&C 84:23–24).</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>39</span>如果我們忠信地通過今生的挑戰,我們就會獲得最終的安息,也就是與神一同超升(見教約84:23-24)。</p> <div class='section'>Encourage daily scripture study</div> <div class='section'>鼓勵每天研讀經文</div> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>40</span>Encourage students to set aside time every day for personal study of the New Testament.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>40</span>鼓勵學生每天撥出時間進行個人的新約研讀。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>41</span>You can help them account for their daily study by providing an appropriate tracking system (see the reading charts in the appendix of this manual).</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>41</span>你可以提供適當的追蹤系統(見此用本附錄中的閱讀圖表),幫助他們記錄每天研讀的進度。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>42</span>Give students regular opportunities to share what they are learning and feeling during their personal scripture study.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>42</span>讓學生有機會定期分享,他們個人在研讀經文時所學到和感受到的事。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>43</span>Take care not to embarrass or discourage students who struggle to study the scriptures on their own.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>43</span>注意不要讓那些在自行研讀經文方面有困難的學生感到尷尬或沮喪。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>44</span>Ask students to ponder how the Savior has given them rest when they have come unto Him.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>44</span>請學生沉思當他們歸向救主時,祂如何使他們得享安息。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>45</span>Invite a few students to share their experiences with the class.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>45</span>請幾位學生與全班分享他們的經驗。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>46</span>You might consider sharing one of your own experiences.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>46</span>你可以考慮分享自己的一個經驗。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>47</span>Invite students to set specific goals regarding ways they can come unto Jesus Christ throughout this year of studying the New Testament.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>47</span>請學生立下具體明確的目標,在今年一整年研讀新約時,他們可以用哪些方式歸向耶穌基督。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>48</span>Encourage them to include in their goals studying the scriptures daily and reading all of the New Testament this year.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>48</span>鼓勵他們將每天研讀經文,以及在今年讀完整本新約納入他們的目標。</p> <div class='section'>Disciples of Jesus Christ have a responsibility to help others come unto Him</div> <div class='section'>耶穌基督的門徒有責任幫助他人歸向祂</div> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>49</span>Ask students to think about times in their lives when they were eager and excited to tell someone about an experience they had or something they saw, read, or heard.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>49</span>請學生想一想在生活中,他們曾在何時熱切地期待告訴某個人關於他們的某項經歷,或某件他們看到、讀到或聽到的事。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>50</span>Invite several students to report what they were eager and excited to tell someone about.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>50</span>請幾位學生報告,他們曾熱切地期待告訴某個人哪些事。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>51</span>Explain that the New Testament contains numerous examples of individuals who were strengthened, taught, or blessed by the Lord and then felt a desire to tell others about Him.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>51</span>說明新約聖經包含了許多人的例子,當他們蒙得主的強化、教導或祝福後,他們渴望告訴別人關於主的事。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>52</span>Invite several students to take turns reading aloud from John 1:37–42.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>52</span>請幾位學生輪流讀出約翰福音1:37-42。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>53</span>Ask the class to follow along, looking for what two of John the Baptist’s disciples did after hearing his testimony of Jesus.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>53</span>請全班跟著仔細看,找出施洗約翰的兩位門徒聽見他對耶穌的見證後做了什麼事。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>54</span>What did Andrew learn about Jesus as he spoke with Him?</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>54</span>安得烈與耶穌談話時,學到哪些關於祂的事?</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>55</span>What did Andrew do after he learned that Jesus was the Messiah?</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>55</span>安得烈得知耶穌是彌賽亞之後,他做了什麼事?</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>56</span>Why do you think he was so anxious to share this news with his brother, Simon Peter?</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>56</span>你覺得他為何如此熱切地想與他的哥哥西門彼得分享這個消息?</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>57</span>Summarize John 1:43–44 by telling students that the Savior invited a man named Philip to be His disciple.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>57</span>將約翰福音1:43-44作摘要,告訴學生救主邀請一位名叫腓力的人作祂的門徒。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>58</span>Invite a student to read John 1:45–46 aloud.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>58</span>請一位學生讀出約翰福音1:45-46。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>59</span>Ask the class to follow along, looking for what Philip did after he learned that Jesus was the Messiah.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>59</span>請全班跟著仔細看,找出當腓力得知耶穌是彌賽亞之後,他做了什麼事。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>60</span>What did Philip say to Nathanael about Jesus of Nazareth?</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>60</span>腓力對拿但業說了什麼關於拿撒勒人耶穌的事?</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>61</span>How did Nathanael respond to Philip’s testimony that Jesus was the Messiah?</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>61</span>拿但業對腓力見證耶穌是彌賽亞時有何反應?</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>62</span>What was Philip’s invitation to Nathanael?</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>62</span>腓力對拿但業提出什麼邀請?</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>63</span>Write the following incomplete statement on the board: As we come unto Jesus Christ, …</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>63</span>將以下這句未完成的話寫在白板上:我們歸向耶穌基督時,……</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>64</span>Based on these examples from the New Testament, what desire will we have as we come unto Jesus Christ?</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>64</span>根據新約中的這些例子,當我們歸向耶穌基督時,我們會有什麼樣的渴望?</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>65</span>(As students respond, complete the statement on the board so it reflects the following principle: As we come unto Jesus Christ, we will have a greater desire to invite others to come unto Him.)</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>65</span>(在學生回答時,完成白板上的句子,以反映出以下的原則:我們歸向耶穌基督時,就會有更大的渴望邀請他人歸向祂。)</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>66</span>To help students better understand this principle, copy the accompanying diagram on the board:</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>66</span>為了幫助學生更了解這項原則,複製這張隨附的圖表並貼在白板上:</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>67</span>Why do you think we will have a greater desire to invite others to come unto Christ as we come unto Him ourselves?</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>67</span>你認為,為什麼當我們自己歸向基督時,就會有更大的渴望邀請他人歸向基督?</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>68</span>Explain that President Henry B. Eyring of the First Presidency taught about a great blessing we receive as we invite others to come unto Jesus Christ.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>68</span>說明總會會長團的亨利·艾寧會長教導,當我們邀請他人歸向耶穌基督時,就會獲得一項偉大的祝福。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>69</span>Invite a student to read the following statement aloud:</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>69</span>請一位學生讀出以下的話:</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>70</span>“When you give your heart to inviting people to come unto Christ, your heart will be changed. … By helping others come unto Him, you will find that you have come unto Him yourself” (“Come unto Christ,” Ensign, Mar. 2008, 49).</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>70</span>「當你真誠地邀請人們歸向基督,你的內心會有所改變。……藉由幫助他人歸向祂,你會發現自己也歸向祂了」(「歸向基督」,2008年3月,利阿賀拿,第52頁)。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>71</span>What can happen in our lives as we invite others to come unto Jesus Christ?</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>71</span>當我們邀請他人歸向基督時,我們的生活會發生什麼事?</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>72</span>Add an arrow to the illustration on the board so it looks similar to the accompanying diagram:</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>72</span>在白板上的這張圖加入一個箭號,使這張圖看起來像這張隨附的圖表:</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>73</span>Why do you think inviting others to come unto Christ can help us come closer to Him as well?</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>73</span>你認為,為什麼邀請他人歸向基督,也能同時幫助我們與祂更接近?</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>74</span>Who has invited you to come unto the Savior and His gospel? How has your life been blessed as a result?</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>74</span>誰曾邀請你歸向救主和祂的福音?你的生活如何因此而蒙福?</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>75</span>Encourage students to prayerfully consider whom they could invite to come unto Jesus Christ.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>75</span>鼓勵學生虔敬思考他們可以邀請哪些人歸向耶穌基督。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>76</span>What can we do to invite others to come unto Him?</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>76</span>我們能做什麼來邀請他人歸向基督?</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>77</span>Explain that inviting friends and classmates to attend seminary is one way that students can invite others to “come and see” who Jesus Christ is and how His gospel can bless their lives.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>77</span>說明邀請朋友和同學參加福音進修班,也是其中一個邀請他人「來看」耶穌基督是誰,以及祂的福音如何造福他們生活的方法。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>78</span>Invite a student to read John 1:47–50 aloud.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>78</span>請一位學生讀出約翰福音1:47-50。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>79</span>Ask the class to follow along, looking for what Nathanael experienced when he met the Savior (explain that the phrase “no guile” means no deceit).</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>79</span>請全班跟著仔細看,找出拿但業見到救主時,體會到什麼(說明「沒有詭詐」一詞指的是不會欺騙人)。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>80</span>What did the Savior say that caused Nathanael to declare that Jesus was the Son of God?</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>80</span>救主說了什麼,讓拿但業宣告耶穌是神的兒子?</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>81</span>According to verse 50, what did the Savior promise Nathanael because he believed?</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>81</span>根據第50節,由於拿但業相信,救主給他什麼應許?</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>82</span>Explain that along with Andrew, Peter, Philip, and others, Nathanael became one of Jesus’s Apostles.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>82</span>說明拿但業和安得烈、彼得、腓力及其他人一同成為耶穌的使徒。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>83</span>Because these Apostles heeded the invitation to come unto Jesus Christ, they witnessed many “greater things” (verse 50), including the miracles and teachings of Jesus Christ and His Resurrection and Ascension into heaven.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>83</span>由於這些使徒聽從歸向耶穌基督這項邀請,他們親眼目睹許多「更大的事」(第50節),包括耶穌基督所行的奇蹟和教導,及祂的復活和升天。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>84</span>Close by testifying that as students study the New Testament this year, they will feel the Savior’s continual plea to come unto Him.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>84</span>結束時,見證只要學生在今年研讀新約,他們會感受到救主不斷地懇請大家歸向祂。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>85</span>As they apply the doctrines and principles they learn throughout the year, they will receive His help with their burdens and, like the ancient Apostles, be filled with a desire to help others come to Him as well.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>85</span>只要他們在一整年中應用所學到的教義和原則,祂會幫助他們減輕重擔,他們也會像古代的使徒那樣,充滿渴望想幫助他人也歸向祂。</p> <div class='section'>Commentary and Background Information</div> <div class='section'>注釋及背景資料</div> <div class='section'>Matthew 11:29–30. “Take my yoke upon you”</div> <div class='section'>馬太福音11:29-30。「你們當負我的軛」</div> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>86</span>President Howard W. Hunter taught of blessings that come when we take Christ’s yoke upon us:</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>86</span>豪惠·洪德會長教導,當我們負基督的軛,祝福就會來臨:</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>87</span>“In biblical times the yoke was a device of great assistance to those who tilled the field.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>87</span>「在聖經的時代,軛對在田裡耕作的人而言,是非常好用的農具。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>88</span>It allowed the strength of a second animal to be linked and coupled with the effort of a single animal, sharing and reducing the heavy labor of the plow or wagon.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>88</span>它讓第二隻動物的力氣和單一隻動物連結,加倍其力量,共同分攤並減輕犁頭或牛車的重量。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>89</span>A burden that was overwhelming or perhaps impossible for one to bear could be equitably and comfortably borne by two bound together with a common yoke.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>89</span>對一隻動物太重或不太可能擔起的重量就能由兩隻共負一軛的動物平均分攤。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>90</span>His yoke requires a great and earnest effort, but for those who truly are converted, the yoke is easy and the burden becomes light.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>90</span>擔祂的軛需要很努力,不過,對真正歸信的人而言,這軛是容易的,這擔子也會變得輕省。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>91</span>“Why face life’s burdens alone, Christ asks, or why face them with temporal support that will quickly falter?</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>91</span>「基督問,為什麼要獨自承擔人生的重擔,或是靠曇花一現般的屬世支持來面對它們呢?</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>92</span>To the heavy laden it is Christ’s yoke, it is the power and peace of standing side by side with a God that will provide the support, balance, and the strength to meet our challenges and endure our tasks here in … mortality” (“Come unto Me,” Ensign, Nov. 1990, 18; see also “Take My Yoke upon You” [Ensign, Sept. 2013, 22–23] for a picture of a yoke and further explanation of its use and function).</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>92</span>對負擔沉重的人來說,是基督的軛,是與神並肩而行的力量與平安,為我們提供了支撐、平衡和力量,在今生……去面對挑戰和忍受試煉」(參閱「歸向我」,1991年1月,聖徒之聲,第16頁)。</p> <div class='section'>John 1:39, 46. “Come and see”</div> <div class='section'>約翰福音1:39,46。「來看」</div> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>93</span>Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explained how we can follow the Savior’s example to share the gospel with others:</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>93</span>十二使徒定額組的尼爾·安德森長老說明,我們可以如何跟從救主的榜樣,與他人分享福音:</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>94</span>“The Savior taught us how to share the gospel.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>94</span>「救主已教導我們如何與人分享福音。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>95</span>I like the story of Andrew, who asked, ‘Master, where dwellest thou?’ [John 1:38].</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>95</span>我喜歡安得烈的故事。他問耶穌:『夫子,在哪裡住?』〔約翰福音1:38〕。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>96</span>Jesus could have responded with the location of where He lived.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>96</span>耶穌原可回答祂住在哪個地方,</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>97</span>But instead He said to Andrew, ‘Come and see’ [John 1:39].</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>97</span>但祂卻對安得烈說:『你們來看』〔約翰福音1:39〕。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>98</span>I like to think that the Savior was saying, ‘Come and see not only where I live but how I live.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>98</span>我喜歡想像,救主說的是:『不但要來看看我住的地方,也要看看我怎樣生活。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>99</span>Come and see who I am.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>99</span>來看看我是誰。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>100</span>Come and feel the Spirit.’ …</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>100</span>來感受聖靈。』……</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>101</span>“To those who show an interest in our conversations, we can follow the Savior’s example by inviting them to ‘come and see.’</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>101</span>「當有人對我們的談話表現出興趣時,我們可以跟從救主的榜樣,邀請他們『來看』。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>102</span>Some will accept our invitation, and others will not.</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>102</span>有些人會接受我們的邀請,有些人則不會。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>103</span>We all know someone who has been invited several times before accepting an invitation to ‘come and see.’</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>103</span>我們都認識一些被邀請了好幾次才接受邀請『來看』的人。</p> <p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>104</span>Let’s also think about those who once were with us but who now we rarely see, inviting them to come back and see once more” (“It’s a Miracle,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2013, 79).</p> <p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>104</span>我們也要想想那些曾經跟我們在一起,現在卻很少見到的人,想想怎樣邀請他們回來,再次來看看」(「這是個奇蹟」,2013年5月,利阿賀拿,第79頁)。</p>
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