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|+<Font size=5 , color=red>全章英文語音和影片</font>
! Chapter 2: Lehi Warns the People ||英文語音 || 英文影片
||<html5media>http://broadcast2.lds.org/scripture-stories/book-of-mormon/2010-12-02-chapter-2-lehi-warns-the-people-64k-eng.mp3</html5media> || <html5media>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tEf65Rvms8</html5media>
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|+<Font size=5 , color=red>全章中文語音和影片</font>
! 第二章: 李海警告人民 ||中文語音 || 中文影片
||<html5media>http://broadcast2.lds.org/scripture-stories/book-of-mormon/2010-12-02-chapter-2-lehi-warns-the-people-64k-cmn.mp3</html5media> || <html5media>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18WlR9V3Mo0</html5media>
# [[/BOMSS 頁面格式|《摩爾門經的故事 BOMSS》頁面格式]]
# [[/模板和表單|模板和表單]]
# [[屬性|屬性]]
{| class="wikitable"
|+colspan="2"|<Font size=5 , color=red>全章英文語音和影片</font>
**[http://www.limingyu2007.com/index.php?title=%E8%A1%A8%E5%96%AE:%E6%96%87%E6%B3%95%E8%A7%A3%E6%9E%90%E6%B8%AC%E8%A9%A6001 表單:文法解析測試001]
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|+colspan="2"|<Font size=5 , color=red>全章英文語音和影片</font>
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|+<Font size=5 , color=red>全章英文語音和影片</font>
! Chapter 1:How We Got the Book of Mormon  ||英文語音 || [https://www.lds.org/children/videos/scripture-stories/book-of-mormon/1-how-we-got-the-book-of-mormon?&lang=eng 英文影片] (LDS)
#When Joseph Smith was 14 years old, many churches were claiming to be true, and he did not know which one to join.
#One day Joseph read James 1:5 in the Bible: “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God.” Joseph needed to know which church was right, so he decided to ask God.
#On a spring morning Joseph went into the woods near his home to pray.
#As he knelt down and started to pray, Satan tried to stop him. Joseph prayed harder, asking Heavenly Father for help.
#Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ came to Joseph in a pillar of light. Heavenly Father pointed to Jesus and said: “This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!”
#Joseph asked which church he should join. Jesus told him not to join any of them because they were all wrong.
#When Joseph told some people what he had seen and heard, they laughed at him. The leaders of many local churches persecuted him.
#Three years went by. One night Joseph was praying to be forgiven of his sins and to know what he should do.
#An angel named Moroni appeared and told Joseph about a book that was written on gold plates. Joseph was to translate these plates into English.
#After Moroni left, Joseph thought about what Moroni had told him. Moroni came back two more times that night.
#The next day Joseph went to the top of the Hill Cumorah, which he had seen in a vision. There he found a big rock. He pried the rock up with a stick.
#Beneath the rock was a stone box. As Joseph looked into the box, he saw the gold plates.
#Moroni appeared and told Joseph not to take the plates but to come back on the same day each year for four years. Each time Joseph went, Moroni taught him.
#After four years Joseph was finally allowed to take the gold plates. He used the Urim and Thummim to translate some of them.
#Scribes helped Joseph by writing the words as he translated them from the gold plates.
#Joseph took the translated words to a printer and had them made into a book.
#The book is called the Book of Mormon. It tells about people who lived in America many years ago. It also tells about Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
||<html5media>http://broadcast2.lds.org/scripture-stories/book-of-mormon/2010-12-01-chapter-1-how-we-got-the-book-of-mormon-64k-eng.mp3</html5media> || <html5media>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMQEb9A9L2g</html5media>
{| class="wikitable"
|+colspan="2"|<Font size=5 , color=red>第一章:我們如何得到摩爾門經</font>
![https://www.lds.org/children/videos/scripture-stories/book-of-mormon/1-how-we-got-the-book-of-mormon?&lang=zho 中文影片] (LDS)
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於 2017年8月9日 (三) 06:10 的最新修訂




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  2. 模板和表單
  3. 屬性
