"中英對照/總會大會" 修訂間的差異

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(未顯示由 3 位使用者於中間所作的 122 次修訂)
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# 星期日晨間大會-9:[[{{PAGENAME}}/2021上/Christ Is Risen|<font color=#0A8>Christ Is Risen; Faith in Him Will Move Mountains</font> 基督已復生;對祂的信心能夠移山 <font color=#880>羅素·納爾遜會長耶穌基督後期聖徒教會總會會長</font>]]
# 星期日晨間大會-9:[[{{PAGENAME}}/2021上/Christ Is Risen|<font color=#0A8>Christ Is Risen; Faith in Him Will Move Mountains</font> 基督已復生;對祂的信心能夠移山 <font color=#880>羅素·納爾遜會長耶穌基督後期聖徒教會總會會長</font>]]
# 星期日午間大會-6:[[{{PAGENAME}}/2021上/The Principles of My Gospel|<font color=#0A8>The Principles of My Gospel</font> 我的福音原則 <font color=#880>大衛·貝納長老十二使徒定額組</font>]]
# 星期日午間大會-1:[[{{PAGENAME}}/2021上/Defending Our Divinely Inspired Constitution|<font color=#0A8>Defending Our Divinely Inspired Constitution</font> 捍衛神所啟發的憲法 <font color=#880>達林·鄔克司會長總會會長團第一諮理</font>]]
* 10月初住院做心臟血管繞道手術,10月底出院,至2021年4月底復健
* 2020年4月:[https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/general-conference?lang=eng 英文連結] | [https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/general-conference?lang=zho 中文連結]
* 單字閃卡、語意克漏字、語意分析
# 星期日晨間大會-5:[[{{PAGENAME}}/2020上/Hear Him|<font color=#0A8>Hear Him</font> 聽祂說 <font color=#880>羅素·納爾遜會長</font>]](2020-4 月份 福音與英文 FB)
# 星期日午間大會-1:[[{{PAGENAME}}/2020上/The Great Plan|<font color=#0A8>The Great Plan</font> 偉大的計畫 <font color=#880>達林·鄔克司會長</font>]](2020-4 月份 福音與英文 FB)
# 星期六晨間大會-7:[[{{PAGENAME}}/2020上/Prayers of Faith|<font color=#0A8>Prayers of Faith</font> 信心的祈禱 <font color=#880>亨利·艾寧會長</font>]](2020-4 月份 福音與英文 FB)
#* 1) [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iAaUbhqAwSDrTRPKI5GBFxiEFOtYSf6ItLSqnKeSXdE/ 英中對照及語意分析文件],2) [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10qmTwNvwynBMLTJKOiSa5IgLx4ZfOWtynOkkFzYbCY8/ 輔助教材試算表],3) [https://docs.google.com/document/d/18zey6_mffKrWXn8bGmKErDK8nwJCi9Cp_ikK3j8yy8k/edit# 語意分析單字分級 Google Doc]
# 星期六晚間大會-4:[[{{PAGENAME}}/2020上/United in Accomplishing God’s Work|<font color=#0A8>United in Accomplishing God’s Work</font> 團結合一完成神的事工 <font color=#880>琴恩·賓翰總會慈助會會長</font>]](2020-4 月份 福音與英文 FB)
#* 1) [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SDBUKd27PCn_nWZzuqrjf8KvdamAcGd1X2V6-6dP6C0/ 英中對照及語意分析文件],2) [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jx_U4XVOYxmeuTAApwmiFuZlKCB03IXJkxQ-VreEGZ8/edit#gid=212920751 輔助教材試算表],3) [https://docs.google.com/document/d/19WdaCijSQMkNuyLcR7TSTFSWeQeFRT4yaCEPFW7opxQ/edit#heading=h.xi7s7elv04bn 語意分析單字分級 Google Doc]
* 2019年10月:[https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2019/10?lang=eng 英文連結] | [https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2019/10?lang=zho 中文連結]
* 單字閃卡、語意克漏字、語意分析
# 星期六晨間大會-5:[[{{PAGENAME}}/2019下/Spiritual Capacity|<font color=#0A8>Spiritual Capacity</font>屬靈能力 <font color=#880>米雪兒·奎格</font>]] (2019-10 月份 福音與英文 FB)
# 星期六婦女大會-6:[[{{PAGENAME}}/2019下/Spiritual Treasures|<font color=#0A8>Spiritual Treasures</font>靈性寶藏 <font color=#880>羅素·納爾遜會長</font>]] (2019-11 月份 福音與英文 FB)
# 星期六晨間大會-7:[[{{PAGENAME}}/2019下/Trust in the Lord|<font color=#0A8>Trust in the Lord</font>信賴主<font color=#880>達林·鄔克司</font>]] (2019-12 月份 福音與英文 FB)
# 星期日午間大會-1:[[{{PAGENAME}}/2019下/Holiness_and_the_Plan_of_Happiness|<font color=#0A8>Holiness and the Plan of Happiness</font>聖潔與幸福計畫<font color=#880>亨利·艾寧</font>]](2020-1 月份 福音與英文 FB)
# 星期日晨間大會-3:[[{{PAGENAME}}/2019下/Your_Great_Adventure|<font color=#0A8>Your Great Adventure</font>你們的大冒險<font color=#880>迪特·鄔希鐸</font>]](2020-2 月份 福音與英文 FB)
# 星期六晨間大會-1:[[{{PAGENAME}}/2019下/The_Message,_the Meaning,_and_the_Multitude|<font color=#0A8>The Message, the Meaning, and the Multitude</font>信息、意義和群眾<font color=#880>傑佛瑞·賀倫長老</font>]](2020-3 月份 福音與英文 FB)
* 2020年4月 票選 6 篇文章。
* 2019年4月:[https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2019/04/11soares?lang=eng 英文連結] | [https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2019/04/11soares?lang=zho 中文連結]
* 單字閃卡、語意克漏字、語意分析
#星期日午間大會-6:[[{{PAGENAME}}/2019上/Build a Fortress of Spirituality and Protection|<font color=#0A8>Build a Fortress of Spirituality and Protection</font>建造靈性與防禦的堡壘 <font color=#880>羅納德·羅斯本長老</font>]]
* [https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2018/10/opening-remarks?lang=eng 英文連結] | [https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2018/10/opening-remarks?lang=zho 中文連結]
* 英中逐句對照
# 星期六晨間大會-2:[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018下/Deep and Lasting Conversion to Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ|<font color=#0A8>Deep and Lasting Conversion to Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ </font>加深對天父和主耶穌基督的持久歸信 <font color=#880>昆丁·柯克長老</font>]]
* 英中逐句對照、用字統計
<span class='english'>SATURDAY MORNING SESSION</span>
<span class='english'>SATURDAY MORNING SESSION</span>
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Solemn Assembly|Solemn Assembly 莊嚴集會 <font color=#8F8F00>亨利·艾寧會長</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Solemn Assembly|<font color=#0A8>Solemn Assembly </font>莊嚴集會 <font color=#880>亨利·艾寧會長</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Precious Gifts from God|Precious Gifts from God 神所賜的珍貴禮物 <font color=#8F8F00>羅素·培勒會長</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Precious Gifts from God|<font color=#0A8>Precious Gifts from God </font>神所賜的珍貴禮物 <font color=#880>羅素·培勒會長</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Am I a Child of God?|Am I a Child of God? 我是神的孩子嗎? <font color=#8F8F00>布萊恩·泰來長老</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Am I a Child of God?|<font color=#0A8>Am I a Child of God? </font>我是神的孩子嗎? <font color=#8F8F00>布萊恩·泰來長老</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Even as Christ Forgives You, So Also Do Ye|Even as Christ Forgives You, So Also Do Ye 主怎樣饒恕了你們,你們也要怎樣饒恕人 <font color=#8F8F00>賴瑞·艾克霍克長老</font>]](本文)
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Even as Christ Forgives You, So Also Do Ye|<font color=#0A8>Even as Christ Forgives You, So Also Do Ye </font>主怎樣饒恕了你們,你們也要怎樣饒恕人 <font color=#880>賴瑞·艾克霍克長老</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/The Heart of a Prophet|The Heart of a Prophet 先知的心 <font color=#8F8F00>蓋瑞·史蒂文生長老</font>]](本文)
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/The Heart of a Prophet|<font color=#0A8>The Heart of a Prophet </font>先知的心 <font color=#8F8F00>蓋瑞·史蒂文生長老</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Until Seventy Times Seven|Until Seventy Times Seven 到七十個七次 <font color=#8F8F00>林恩·羅賓長老</font>]](本文)
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Until Seventy Times Seven|<font color=#0A8>Until Seventy Times Seven </font>到七十個七次 <font color=#880>林恩·羅賓長老</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/The Prophet of God|<font color=#0A8>The Prophet of God </font>神的先知 <font color=#880>尼爾·安德森長老</font>]]
<span class='english'>SATURDAY AFTERNOON SESSION</span>
<span class='english'>SATURDAY AFTERNOON SESSION</span>
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Young Women in the Work|Young Women in the Work 神國事工中的女青年 <font color=#8F8F00>邦妮·奧斯卡森姊妹</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/The Sustaining of Church Officers|<font color=#0A8>The Sustaining of Church Officers</font> 支持教會職員 <font color=#880>達林·鄔克司會長</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Church Auditing Department Report, 2017|<font color=#0A8>Church Auditing Department Report, 2017 2017</font>年度總會稽核部門報告 <font color=#880>凱文·傑根森</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Meek and Lowly of Heart|<font color=#0A8>Meek and Lowly of Heart</font> 心裡溫順謙卑 <font color=#880>大衛·貝納長老</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/One More Day|<font color=#0A8>One More Day</font> 還有一天 <font color=#880>泰勒·格朵意長老</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Young Women in the Work|<font color=#0A8>Young Women in the Work</font> 神國事工中的女青年 <font color=#880>邦妮·奧斯卡森姊妹</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Saving Ordinances Will Bring Us Marvelous Light|<font color=#0A8>Saving Ordinances Will Bring Us Marvelous Light</font> 拯救的教儀會帶給我們奇妙的光明 <font color=#880>泰尼拉·沃克羅長老</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Teaching in the Home—a Joyful and Sacred Responsibility|<font color=#0A8>Teaching in the Home—a Joyful and Sacred Responsibility </font>在家中教導——一項喜悅而神聖的責任 <font color=#880>德溫·杜蘭</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Family History and Temple Work: Sealing and Healing|<font color=#0A8>Family History and Temple Work: Sealing and Healing </font>家譜和聖殿事工:印證和醫治 <font color=#880>戴爾·瑞隆長老</font>]]
<span class='english'>GENERAL PRIESTHOOD SESSION</span>
<span class='english'>GENERAL PRIESTHOOD SESSION</span>
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Ministering with the Power and Authority of God|Ministering with the Power and Authority of God 藉著神的能力和權柄施助 <font color=#8F8F00>羅素·納爾遜會長</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/What Every Aaronic Priesthood Holder Needs to Understand|<font color=#0A8>What Every Aaronic Priesthood Holder Needs to Understand </font>每個亞倫聖職持有人都應當了解的事 <font color=#880>道格拉斯·何梅茲主教</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/The Powers of the Priesthood|The Powers of the Priesthood 聖職的能力
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Introductory Remarks|<font color=#0A8>Introductory Remarks </font>介紹致詞 <font color=#880>羅素·納爾遜會長</font>]]
  <font color=#8F8F00>達林·鄔克司會長</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/The Elders Quorum|<font color=#0A8>The Elders Quorum </font>長老定額組 <font color=#880>陶德·克理斯多長老</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Behold! A Royal Army|<font color=#0A8>Behold! A Royal Army </font>看啊!一支王家軍 <font color=#880>羅納德·羅斯本長老</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Inspired Ministering|<font color=#0A8>Inspired Ministering </font>受靈啟發的聖工 <font color=#880>亨利·艾寧會長</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/The Powers of the Priesthood|<font color=#0A8>The Powers of the Priesthood </font>聖職的能力
  <font color=#880>達林·鄔克司會長</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Ministering with the Power and Authority of God|<font color=#0A8>Ministering with the Power and Authority of God </font>藉著神的能力和權柄施助 <font color=#880>羅素·納爾遜會長</font>]]
<span class='english'>SUNDAY MORNING SESSION</span>
<span class='english'>SUNDAY MORNING SESSION</span>
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Take the Holy Spirit as Your Guide|Take the Holy Spirit as Your Guide 接受神聖之靈為指導 <font color=#8F8F00>賴瑞·威爾森長老</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Take the Holy Spirit as Your Guide|<font color=#0A8>Take the Holy Spirit as Your Guide </font>接受神聖之靈為指導 <font color=#880>賴瑞·威爾森長老</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/With One Accord|With One Accord 同心合意 <font color=#8F8F00>雷娜·亞伯圖姊妹</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/With One Accord|<font color=#0A8>With One Accord </font>同心合意 <font color=#880>雷娜·亞伯圖姊妹</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Pure Love|Pure Love 純正的愛 <font color=#8F8F00>馬西莫·德費歐長老</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Pure Love|<font color=#0A8>Pure Love </font>純正的愛 <font color=#880>馬西莫·德費歐長老</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/He That Shall Endure unto the End, the Same Shall Be Saved|He That Shall Endure unto the End, the Same Shall Be Saved 惟有忍耐到底的,必然得救 <font color=#8F8F00>克勞帝奧·齊威長老</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/He That Shall Endure unto the End, the Same Shall Be Saved|<font color=#0A8>He That Shall Endure unto the End, the Same Shall Be Saved </font>惟有忍耐到底的,必然得救 <font color=#880>克勞帝奧·齊威長老</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/His Spirit to Be with You|His Spirit to Be with You 祂的靈與你同在 <font color=#8F8F00>亨利·艾寧會長</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/His Spirit to Be with You|<font color=#0A8>His Spirit to Be with You </font>祂的靈與你同在 <font color=#880>亨利·艾寧會長</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Small and Simple Things|Small and Simple Things 微小而簡單的事 <font color=#8F8F00>達林·鄔克司會長</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Small and Simple Things|<font color=#0A8>Small and Simple Things </font>微小而簡單的事 <font color=#880>達林·鄔克司會長</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives|Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives 給教會的啟示,給我們生活的啟示
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives|<font color=#0A8>Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives </font>給教會的啟示,給我們生活的啟示
  <font color=#8F8F00>羅素·納爾遜會長</font>]]
  <font color=#880>羅素·納爾遜會長</font>]]
<span class='english'>SUNDAY AFTERNOON SESSION</span>
<span class='english'>SUNDAY AFTERNOON SESSION</span>
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Christ the Lord Is Risen Today|Christ the Lord Is Risen Today 基督我主今復生
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Christ the Lord Is Risen Today|<font color=#0A8>Christ the Lord Is Risen Today</font> 基督我主今復生
  <font color=#8F8F00>江文漢長老</font>]]
  <font color=#880>江文漢長老</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Prophets Speak by the Power of the Holy Spirit|Prophets Speak by the Power of the Holy Spirit 先知藉著聖靈的力量說話
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Prophets Speak by the Power of the Holy Spirit|<font color=#0A8>Prophets Speak by the Power of the Holy Spirit </font>先知藉著聖靈的力量說話
  <font color=#8F8F00>尤理西斯·蘇瑞長老</font>]]
  <font color=#880>尤理西斯·蘇瑞長老</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Ministering|Ministering 施助 <font color=#8F8F00>羅素·納爾遜會長</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Ministering|<font color=#0A8>Ministering</font> 施助 <font color=#880>羅素·納爾遜會長</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Be With and Strengthen Them|Be With and Strengthen Them 和他們在一起,並堅固他們 <font color=#8F8F00>傑佛瑞·賀倫長老</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Be With and Strengthen Them|<font color=#0A8>Be With and Strengthen Them </font>和他們在一起,並堅固他們 <font color=#880>傑佛瑞·賀倫長老</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Ministering as the Savior Does|Ministering as the Savior Does 像救主那樣施助 <font color=#8F8F00>琴恩·賓翰姊妹</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Ministering as the Savior Does|<font color=#0A8>Ministering as the Savior Does </font>像救主那樣施助 <font color=#880>琴恩·賓翰姊妹</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Behold the Man|Behold the Man 看這個人 <font color=#8F8F00>迪特·鄔希鐸長老</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Behold the Man|<font color=#0A8>Behold the Man </font>看這個人 <font color=#880>迪特·鄔希鐸長老</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/It Is All about People|It Is All about People 一切都關乎人 <font color=#8F8F00>傑瑞·卡斯主教</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/It Is All about People|<font color=#0A8>It Is All about People </font>一切都關乎人 <font color=#880>傑瑞·卡斯主教</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Prepare to Meet God|Prepare to Meet God 準備迎見神 <font color=#8F8F00>昆丁·柯克長老</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Prepare to Meet God|<font color=#0A8>Prepare to Meet God </font>準備迎見神 <font color=#880>昆丁·柯克長老</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Let Us All Press On|Let Us All Press On 大家齊向前 <font color=#8F8F00>羅素·納爾遜會長</font>]]
#[[{{PAGENAME}}/2018上/Let Us All Press On|<font color=#0A8>Let Us All Press On </font>大家齊向前 <font color=#880>羅素·納爾遜會長</font>]]
<span class='english'>SATURDAY MORNING SESSION</span>
<span class='english'>SATURDAY AFTERNOON SESSION</span>
<span class='english'>GENERAL PRIESTHOOD SESSION</span>
<span class='english'>SUNDAY MORNING SESSION</span>
<span class='english'>SUNDAY AFTERNOON SESSION</span>
[[Category:總會大會]][[年度::2018年4月| ]]
[[Category:總會大會]][[年度::2018年4月| ]][[年度::2018年10月| ]][[年度::2019年4月| ]][[年度::2019年10月| ]]

於 2021年6月13日 (日) 03:01 的最新修訂

  1. 星期日晨間大會-9:Christ Is Risen; Faith in Him Will Move Mountains 基督已復生;對祂的信心能夠移山 羅素·納爾遜會長耶穌基督後期聖徒教會總會會長


  1. 星期日晨間大會-9:Christ Is Risen; Faith in Him Will Move Mountains 基督已復生;對祂的信心能夠移山 羅素·納爾遜會長耶穌基督後期聖徒教會總會會長
  2. 星期日午間大會-6:The Principles of My Gospel 我的福音原則 大衛·貝納長老十二使徒定額組
  3. 星期日午間大會-1:Defending Our Divinely Inspired Constitution 捍衛神所啟發的憲法 達林·鄔克司會長總會會長團第一諮理


  • 10月初住院做心臟血管繞道手術,10月底出院,至2021年4月底復健


  1. 星期日晨間大會-5:Hear Him 聽祂說 羅素·納爾遜會長(2020-4 月份 福音與英文 FB)
  2. 星期日午間大會-1:The Great Plan 偉大的計畫 達林·鄔克司會長(2020-4 月份 福音與英文 FB)
  3. 星期六晨間大會-7:Prayers of Faith 信心的祈禱 亨利·艾寧會長(2020-4 月份 福音與英文 FB)
  4. 星期六晚間大會-4:United in Accomplishing God’s Work 團結合一完成神的事工 琴恩·賓翰總會慈助會會長(2020-4 月份 福音與英文 FB)


  1. 星期六晨間大會-5:Spiritual Capacity屬靈能力 米雪兒·奎格 (2019-10 月份 福音與英文 FB)
  2. 星期六婦女大會-6:Spiritual Treasures靈性寶藏 羅素·納爾遜會長 (2019-11 月份 福音與英文 FB)
  3. 星期六晨間大會-7:Trust in the Lord信賴主達林·鄔克司 (2019-12 月份 福音與英文 FB)
  4. 星期日午間大會-1:Holiness and the Plan of Happiness聖潔與幸福計畫亨利·艾寧(2020-1 月份 福音與英文 FB)
  5. 星期日晨間大會-3:Your Great Adventure你們的大冒險迪特·鄔希鐸(2020-2 月份 福音與英文 FB)
  6. 星期六晨間大會-1:The Message, the Meaning, and the Multitude信息、意義和群眾傑佛瑞·賀倫長老(2020-3 月份 福音與英文 FB)


  • 2020年4月 票選 6 篇文章。


  1. 星期日午間大會-6:Build a Fortress of Spirituality and Protection建造靈性與防禦的堡壘 羅納德·羅斯本長老


  1. 星期六晨間大會-2:Deep and Lasting Conversion to Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ 加深對天父和主耶穌基督的持久歸信 昆丁·柯克長老



  • 英中逐句對照、用字統計



  1. Solemn Assembly 莊嚴集會 亨利·艾寧會長
  2. Precious Gifts from God 神所賜的珍貴禮物 羅素·培勒會長
  3. Am I a Child of God? 我是神的孩子嗎? 布萊恩·泰來長老
  4. Even as Christ Forgives You, So Also Do Ye 主怎樣饒恕了你們,你們也要怎樣饒恕人 賴瑞·艾克霍克長老
  5. The Heart of a Prophet 先知的心 蓋瑞·史蒂文生長老
  6. Until Seventy Times Seven 到七十個七次 林恩·羅賓長老
  7. The Prophet of God 神的先知 尼爾·安德森長老



  1. The Sustaining of Church Officers 支持教會職員 達林·鄔克司會長
  2. Church Auditing Department Report, 2017 2017年度總會稽核部門報告 凱文·傑根森
  3. Meek and Lowly of Heart 心裡溫順謙卑 大衛·貝納長老
  4. One More Day 還有一天 泰勒·格朵意長老
  5. Young Women in the Work 神國事工中的女青年 邦妮·奧斯卡森姊妹
  6. Saving Ordinances Will Bring Us Marvelous Light 拯救的教儀會帶給我們奇妙的光明 泰尼拉·沃克羅長老
  7. Teaching in the Home—a Joyful and Sacred Responsibility 在家中教導——一項喜悅而神聖的責任 德溫·杜蘭
  8. Family History and Temple Work: Sealing and Healing 家譜和聖殿事工:印證和醫治 戴爾·瑞隆長老



  1. What Every Aaronic Priesthood Holder Needs to Understand 每個亞倫聖職持有人都應當了解的事 道格拉斯·何梅茲主教
  2. Introductory Remarks 介紹致詞 羅素·納爾遜會長
  3. The Elders Quorum 長老定額組 陶德·克理斯多長老
  4. Behold! A Royal Army 看啊!一支王家軍 羅納德·羅斯本長老
  5. Inspired Ministering 受靈啟發的聖工 亨利·艾寧會長
  6. The Powers of the Priesthood 聖職的能力 達林·鄔克司會長
  7. Ministering with the Power and Authority of God 藉著神的能力和權柄施助 羅素·納爾遜會長



  1. Take the Holy Spirit as Your Guide 接受神聖之靈為指導 賴瑞·威爾森長老
  2. With One Accord 同心合意 雷娜·亞伯圖姊妹
  3. Pure Love 純正的愛 馬西莫·德費歐長老
  4. He That Shall Endure unto the End, the Same Shall Be Saved 惟有忍耐到底的,必然得救 克勞帝奧·齊威長老
  5. His Spirit to Be with You 祂的靈與你同在 亨利·艾寧會長
  6. Small and Simple Things 微小而簡單的事 達林·鄔克司會長
  7. Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives 給教會的啟示,給我們生活的啟示 羅素·納爾遜會長



  1. Christ the Lord Is Risen Today 基督我主今復生 江文漢長老
  2. Prophets Speak by the Power of the Holy Spirit 先知藉著聖靈的力量說話 尤理西斯·蘇瑞長老
  3. Ministering 施助 羅素·納爾遜會長
  4. Be With and Strengthen Them 和他們在一起,並堅固他們 傑佛瑞·賀倫長老
  5. Ministering as the Savior Does 像救主那樣施助 琴恩·賓翰姊妹
  6. Behold the Man 看這個人 迪特·鄔希鐸長老
  7. It Is All about People 一切都關乎人 傑瑞·卡斯主教
  8. Prepare to Meet God 準備迎見神 昆丁·柯克長老
  9. Let Us All Press On 大家齊向前 羅素·納爾遜會長
