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於 2019年11月16日 (六) 00:47 由 蕭昶欣 (對話 | 貢獻) 所做的修訂 (已建立頁面,內容為 "<div class='headline'>November 18–24</div> <div class='headline'>11月18-24日</div> <div class='section'>James</div> <div class='section'>雅各書</div> <div cla...")
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November 18–24
“Be Ye Doers of the Word, and Not Hearers Only”

1As you read the Epistle of James, pay attention to phrases that stand out to you, and record them.

2How are you prompted to live these truths?


3Sometimes just one verse of scripture can change the world.

4James 1:5 seems like a simple bit of counsel—if you need wisdom, ask God. But when 14-year-old Joseph Smith read that verse, “it seemed to enter with great force into every feeling of [his] heart” (Joseph Smith—History 1:12).

5Thus inspired, Joseph acted on James’s admonition and sought wisdom from God through prayer.

6And God did indeed give liberally, giving Joseph one of the most remarkable heavenly visitations in human history—the First Vision.

7This vision changed the course of Joseph’s life and led to the Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ on the earth.

8All of us are blessed today because Joseph Smith read and acted on James 1:5.

9What will you find as you study the Epistle of James?

10Perhaps a verse or two will change you or someone you love.

11You may find guidance as you seek to fulfill your mission in life.

12You may find encouragement to speak kindly or to be more patient.

13Whatever inspires you, let these words “enter … into every feeling of [your] heart.”

14Remember to “receive with meekness the … word,” as James wrote, “which is able to save your souls” (James 1:21).

Ideas for Personal Scripture Study
Who was James?

15It is generally believed that the author of the Epistle of James was a son of Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, and therefore the half brother of the Savior.

16James is mentioned in Matthew 13:55; Mark 6:3; Acts 12:17; 15:13; 21:18; and Galatians 1:19; 2:9.

17It appears from these scriptures that James was a Church leader in Jerusalem and had been called as an Apostle (see Galatians 1:19).

James 1:2–4; 5:7–11
Patient endurance leads to perfection.

18“Waiting can be hard,” President Dieter F. Uchtdorf taught.

19“We want what we want, and we want it now.

20Therefore, the very idea of patience may seem unpleasant” (“Continue in Patience,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2010, 56).

21After reading James 1:2–4; 5:7–11, what would you say was James’s main message about patience?

22What additional insights do you have after reading the rest of President Uchtdorf’s message?

23How can you show the Lord that you’re willing to be patient?

James 1:3–8, 21–25; 2:14–26; 4:17
Faith requires action.

24How do you know if you have faith in Jesus Christ?

25How do your works demonstrate your faith in God?

26Think about these questions as you study James’s teachings about faith.

27It might be interesting to also read about Abraham and Rahab, two examples James mentioned (see Genesis 22:1–12; Joshua 2).

28How did they show that they had faith in God?

29Reading James 1:3–8, 21–25; 2:14–26; 4:17 may help you think of ways you could be a better doer of the word.

30Record any impressions you receive, and make plans to act on them.

31See also Alma 34:27–29; 3 Nephi 27:21.

James 1:26; 3:1–18
The words I speak have the power to hurt or bless others.

32Among the rich imagery James used throughout his epistle, some of his most vivid language is found in his counsel about language.

33Consider making a list of all the ways James described the tongue or mouth.

34What does each comparison or image suggest about the words we speak?

35Think of something you can do to bless someone with your words (see D&C 108:7).

James 2:1–9
As a disciple of Jesus Christ, I should love all people, regardless of their circumstances.

36James warned the Saints specifically against favoring the rich and despising the poor, but his warning can apply to any biases or prejudices we may have toward others.

37It can be difficult to recognize the ways in which we negatively judge others, but the Lord has promised that He will help us see where we need to improve (see Ether 12:27).

38As you prayerfully study James 2:1–9, search your own heart and listen for the Holy Ghost’s promptings.

39Do you sense any changes you need to make in the way you treat or think of others?

Ideas for Family Scripture Study and Family Home Evening

40As you read the scriptures with your family, the Spirit can help you know what principles to emphasize and discuss based on your family’s needs.

41Here are some suggestions:

James 1:5
雅各書 1:5

42Consider reading James 1:5 and inviting a family member to summarize the account of the First Vision.

43(see Joseph Smith—History 1:8–13 or the video “Ask of God: Joseph Smith’s First Vision” on LDS.org)

44Invite family members to share their testimonies of the Prophet Joseph Smith and experiences when Heavenly Father answered their prayers.

James 1:26–27

45Consider watching the video “True Christianity” (LDS.org) in connection with these verses.

46Then read James’s definition of pure religion and discuss ways your family can make the practice of your religion more pure.

James 3

47James 3 includes many images that could inspire memorable object lessons to help your family remember to speak kindly.

48For example, you could discuss how a small spark or match can start a large fire, and family members could think of times when an unkind word caused a problem (see verses 5–6).

49Or you could serve something sour or bitter in something that is usually used for sweet food—such as lemon juice in a honey jar.

50This could lead to a discussion about ensuring that our words are sweet and uplifting (see verses 9–14).

James 4:5–8

51Why should we “draw nigh to God” when we face temptation?

James 5:14–16

52Perhaps sharing a personal experience about receiving a priesthood blessing could encourage family members to “ask for a priesthood blessing when [they] are in need of spiritual power” .

53(Dallin H. Oaks, “The Importance of Priesthood Blessings,” New Era, July 2012, 4)

54For more ideas for teaching children, see this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Primary.

Improving Personal Study

55Act on what you learn.

56As you study, listen to promptings from the Spirit about how you can apply what you are learning to your life.

57Commit to follow these promptings and live the gospel more fully.

58(See Teaching in the Savior’s Way, 35.)