
出自 青少年追求卓越
前往: 導覽搜尋



An account of the Nephites. Their wars and contentions, and their dissensions. And also the prophecies of many holy prophets, before the coming of Christ, according to the records of Helaman, who was the son of Helaman, and also according to the records of his sons, even down to the coming of Christ. And also many of the Lamanites are converted. An account of their conversion. An account of the righteousness of the Lamanites, and the wickedness and abominations of the Nephites, according to the record of Helaman and his sons, even down to the coming of Christ, which is called the book of Helaman, and so forth.


Chapter 1


Pahoran the second becomes chief judge and is murdered by Kishkumen—Pacumeni fills the judgment seat—Coriantumr leads the Lamanite armies, takes Zarahemla, and slays Pacumeni—Moronihah defeats the Lamanites and retakes Zarahemla, and Coriantumr is slain. About 52–50 B.C.

1 現在看啊,事情是這樣的,法官統治尼腓人的第四十年初,尼腓人面臨了嚴重困境。

1 And now behold, it came to pass in the commencement of the fortieth year of the reign of the judges over the people of Nephi, there began to be a serious difficulty among the people of the Nephites.

2 看啊,派賀藍死了,走上世人必走的路。派賀藍的幾個兒子為了誰該擁有審判席,兄弟之間起了嚴重的紛爭。

2 For behold, aPahoran had died, and gone the way of all the earth; therefore there began to be a serious contention concerning who should have the judgment-seat among the brethren, who were the sons of Pahoran.

3 爭奪審判席並引起民眾紛爭的人的名字是:派賀藍、派安卡和派寇美拿。

3 Now these are their names who did contend for the judgment-seat, who did also cause the people to contend: Pahoran, Paanchi, and Pacumeni.

4 這些人並非派賀藍所有的兒子(他有許多兒子),但爭奪審判席的是這些人。因此,他們使人民分為三派。

4 Now these are not all the sons of Pahoran (for he had many), but these are they who did contend for the judgment-seat; therefore, they did cause three adivisions among the people.

5 然而事情是這樣的,民意推選派賀藍為尼腓人的首席法官及統治者。

5 Nevertheless, it came to pass that Pahoran was appointed by the avoice of the people to be chief judge and a governor over the people of Nephi.

6 事情是這樣的,派寇美拿見自己無法獲得審判席,就順應民意。

6 And it came to pass that Pacumeni, when he saw that he could not obtain the judgment-seat, he did aunite with the voice of the people.

7 但是看啊,派安卡和希望他任統治者的那部分民眾,都非常憤怒,因此他打算諂媚那些民眾,使他們起來反叛他們的弟兄。

7 But behold, Paanchi, and that part of the people that were desirous that he should be their governor, was exceedingly wroth; therefore, he was about to aflatter away those people to rise up in rebellion against their brethren.

8 事情是這樣的,他正要這麼做的時候,看啊,他就被逮捕,他依照民意受審,並被處死;因為他起來反叛,企圖破壞人民的自由

8 And it came to pass as he was about to do this, behold, he was taken, and was tried according to the avoice of the people, and condemned unto death; for he had raised up in rebellion and sought to destroy the bliberty of the people.

9 那些希望他作統治者的民眾見他被處死而發怒,看啊,他們派了一個名叫凱虛庫門的人前往派賀藍的審判席,將坐在審判席上的派賀藍謀殺了。

9 Now when those people who were desirous that he should be their governor saw that he was condemned unto death, therefore they were angry, and behold, they sent forth one aKishkumen, even to the judgment-seat of Pahoran, and murdered Pahoran as he sat upon the judgment-seat.

10 派賀藍的僕人追捕他,但是看啊,凱虛庫門逃得很快,誰也追不上他。

10 And he was pursued by the servants of Pahoran; but behold, so speedy was the flight of Kishkumen that no man could overtake him.

11 他回到差遣他的人那裡,他們都立約,是的,指著他們永恆的造物主起誓,決不洩漏凱虛庫門謀殺派賀藍的事。

11 And he went unto those that sent him, and they all entered into a covenant, yea, aswearing by their everlasting Maker, that they would tell no man that Kishkumen had murdered Pahoran.

12 所以,尼腓人並不知道凱虛庫門,因為他在謀殺派賀藍時是經過喬裝的。凱虛庫門和那些與他立約的同黨,都以一種不會被人發現的方式混在民眾中;但凡被發現的都被處死

12 Therefore, Kishkumen was not known among the people of Nephi, for he was in disguise at the time that he murdered Pahoran. And Kishkumen and his band, who had covenanted with him, did mingle themselves among the people, in a manner that they all could not be found; but as many as were found were condemned unto adeath.

13 現在看啊,根據民意,派寇美拿被選派為人民的首席法官及統治者,以接替他哥哥派賀藍統治;這也是根據他的權利。這一切都在法官統治的第四十年發生;這一年結束了。

13 And now behold, Pacumeni was appointed, according to theavoice of the people, to be a chief judge and a governor over the people, to reign in the stead of his brother Pahoran; and it was according to his right. And all this was done in the fortieth year of the reign of the judges; and it had an end.

14 事情是這樣的,法官統治的第四十一年,拉曼人集合了一支大軍,以劍、以彎刀、以弓、以箭、以頭盔、以胸甲,以及各式各樣的盾牌武裝起來。

14 And it came to pass in the forty and first year of the reign of the judges, that the Lamanites had gathered together an innumerable army of men, and aarmed them with swords, and with cimeters and with bows, and with arrows, and with head-plates, and with breastplates, and with all manner of shields of every kind.

15 他們再度前來與尼腓人交戰。他們由一個名叫柯林德茂的人率領;他是柴雷罕拉的後代,也是叛離尼腓人的人;他是個高大強壯的人。

15 And they came down again that they might pitch battle against the Nephites. And they were led by a man whose name was aCoriantumr; and he was a descendant of Zarahemla; and he was a bdissenter from among the Nephites; and he was a large and a mighty man.

16 拉曼人的國王名叫土巴洛師,是艾摩龍的兒子;他認為柯林德茂是個強壯的人,憑他的力氣和無限的智慧可以對抗尼腓人,所以派他去,定能戰勝尼腓人──

16 Therefore, the king of the Lamanites, whose name was Tubaloth, who was the son of aAmmoron, supposing that Coriantumr, being a mighty man, could stand against the Nephites, with his strength and also with his great bwisdom, insomuch that by sending him forth he should gain power over the Nephites—

17 因此,他激起他們的怒氣,並召集軍隊,任命柯林德茂為首領,派他們向柴雷罕拉地進軍,攻打尼腓人。

17 Therefore he did astir them up to anger, and he did gather together his armies, and he did appoint Coriantumr to be their leader, and did cause that they should march down to the land of Zarahemla to battle against the Nephites.

18 事情是這樣的,由於政府內部紛爭頻繁,困難重重,他們就沒有留足夠的兵力戍守柴雷罕拉地;因為他們以為拉曼人不敢深入他們領土的中心,進攻柴雷罕拉大城。

18 And it came to pass that because of so much contention and so much difficulty in the government, that they had not kept sufficient guards in the land of Zarahemla; for they had supposed that the Lamanites durst not come into the heart of their lands to attack that great city Zarahemla.

19 但是事情是這樣的,柯林德茂率領大軍來襲,攻打城內居民,他們行軍的速度如此之快,以致尼腓人沒有時間召集他們的軍隊。

19 But it came to pass that Coriantumr did march forth at the head of his numerous host, and came upon the inhabitants of the city, and their march was with such exceedingly great speed that there was no time for the Nephites to gather together their armies.

20 因此柯林德茂砍倒城門守衛,率領全軍攻入城內;他們殺死每一個反抗他們的人,因而佔領了全城。

20 Therefore Coriantumr did cut down the watch by the entrance of the city, and did march forth with his whole army into the city, and they did slay every one who did oppose them, insomuch that they did take possession of the whole city.

21 事情是這樣的,首席法官派寇美拿逃避柯林德茂,直逃到城牆邊。事情是這樣的,柯林德茂在牆邊攻擊他,將他擊斃。派寇美拿的日子就這樣結束了。

21 And it came to pass that Pacumeni, who was the chief judge, did flee before Coriantumr, even to the walls of the city. And it came to pass that Coriantumr did smite him against the wall, insomuch that he died. And thus ended the days of Pacumeni.

22 柯林德茂眼看自己佔領了柴雷罕拉城,也看到尼腓人逃的逃,死的死,有的遭逮捕,有的遭監禁,他已佔領全境最堅固的堡壘,於是心中勇氣大增,打算進而攻打各地。

22 And now when Coriantumr saw that he was in possession of the city of Zarahemla, and saw that the Nephites had fled before them, and were slain, and were taken, and were cast into prison, and that he had obtained the possession of the strongest hold in all the land, his heart atook courage insomuch that he was about to go forth against all the land.

23 他未在柴雷罕拉地停留,就率領一支大軍開向滿地富城,因為他決定前進並用劍開路,以取得北方土地。

23 And now he did not tarry in the land of Zarahemla, but he did march forth with a large army, even towards the city ofaBountiful; for it was his determination to go forth and cut his way through with the sword, that he might obtain the north parts of the land.

24 他猜想尼腓人最大的兵力駐紮在該地的中心,於是就向前推進,使尼腓人除了組成小隊外,沒時間集合一起;就這樣,他們攻擊尼腓人,將他們砍倒在地。

24 And, supposing that their greatest strength was in the center of the land, therefore he did march forth, giving them no time to assemble themselves together save it were in small bodies; and in this manner they did fall upon them and cut them down to the earth.

25 但是看啊,雖然被殺死的尼腓人為數甚多,然而此次柯林德茂進軍中心地,卻對摩羅乃哈極為有利。

25 But behold, this march of Coriantumr through the center of the land gave Moronihah great advantage over them, notwithstanding the greatness of the number of the Nephites who were slain.

26 因為看啊,摩羅乃哈以為拉曼人不敢進軍中心地,卻會像過去一樣,攻擊邊境周圍城市,因此,摩羅乃哈命令他強大的部隊守住靠近邊境的部分。

26 For behold, Moronihah had supposed that the Lamanites durst not come into the center of the land, but that they would attack the cities round about in the borders as they had hitherto done; therefore Moronihah had caused that their strong armies should maintain those parts round about by the borders.

27 但是看啊,拉曼人並不照他所想的那樣害怕起來,他們竟進入中心地,佔領首都柴雷罕拉城,進軍境內最繁榮地區,大肆屠殺男人、女人和小孩,並佔領許多城市和堅固的堡壘。

27 But behold, the Lamanites were not frightened according to his desire, but they had come into the center of the land, and had taken the capital city which was the city of Zarahemla, and were marching through the most capital parts of the land, slaying the people with a great slaughter, both men, women, and children, taking possession of many cities and of many strongholds.

28 摩羅乃哈一發現這情況,即刻派李海率軍隊繞過去,在他們抵達滿地富之前攔截他們。

28 But when Moronihah had discovered this, he immediately sent forth Lehi with an army round about to ahead them before they should come to the land Bountiful.

29 他這樣做了,他在他們抵達滿地富前攔截他們,攻擊他們,於是他們開始向柴雷罕拉地撤退。

29 And thus he did; and he did head them before they came to the land Bountiful, and gave unto them battle, insomuch that they began to retreat back towards the land of Zarahemla.

30 事情是這樣的,摩羅乃哈則攔截撤退的敵軍,攻擊他們,展開一場慘烈的血戰;是的,很多人被殺死,柯林德茂也在被殺死的人當中。

30 And it came to pass that Moronihah did head them in their retreat, and did give unto them battle, insomuch that it became an exceedingly bloody battle; yea, many were slain, and among the number who were slain aCoriantumr was also found.

31 現在看啊,拉曼人兩邊都無法撤退,東西南北四面都如此,因為尼腓人已將他們團團圍住了。

31 And now, behold, the Lamanites could not retreat either way, neither on the north, nor on the south, nor on the east, nor on the west, for they were surrounded on every hand by the Nephites.

32 柯林德茂就這樣使拉曼人落在尼腓人當中,受尼腓人的控制,他自己也被殺了,拉曼人也將自己交到尼腓人手中。

32 And thus had Coriantumr plunged the Lamanites into the midst of the Nephites, insomuch that they were in the power of the Nephites, and he himself was slain, and the Lamanites didayield themselves into the hands of the Nephites.

33 事情是這樣的,摩羅乃哈再次佔領了柴雷罕拉城,並下令讓被俘虜的拉曼人平安離境。

33 And it came to pass that Moronihah took possession of the city of Zarahemla again, and caused that the Lamanites who had been taken prisoners should depart out of the land in apeace.

34 法官統治的第四十一年就這樣結束了。

34 And thus ended the forty and first year of the reign of the judges.
