
出自 青少年追求卓越
前往: 導覽搜尋



Chapter 6


The Nephites prosper—Pride, wealth, and class distinctions arise—The Church is rent with dissensions—Satan leads the people in open rebellion—Many prophets cry repentance and are slain—Their murderers conspire to take over the government. About A.D. 26–30.

1 事情是這樣的,第二十六年,尼腓人都回到自己的土地上;每個男人帶著他的家庭、他的牲口、他的馬匹、他的家畜以及所有屬於他們的東西回去。

1 And now it came to pass that the people of the Nephites did all return to their own lands in the twenty and sixth year, every man, with his family, his flocks and his herds, his ahorses and his cattle, and all things whatsoever did belong unto them.

2 事情是這樣的,他們沒有把所有的糧食吃完,所以他們帶著沒有吃完的各種穀類,也帶著他們的金子和他們的銀子及所有的寶物回到自己的土地和領土,有的在北,有的在南,有的在北部地方,有的在南部地方。

2 And it came to pass that they had anot eaten up all their provisions; therefore they did take with them all that they had not devoured, of all their grain of every kind, and their gold, and their silver, and all their precious things, and they did return to their own lands and their possessions, both on the north and on the south, both on the land northward and on the land southward.

3 他們按人數多寡,將土地給予立約維持那地和平但仍願作拉曼人的那些盜匪,讓他們得以憑勞力維持生活;他們就這樣在各地建立了和平。

3 And they granted unto those robbers who had aentered into a covenant to keep the peace of the land, who were desirous to remain Lamanites, lands, according to their numbers, that they might have, with their labors, wherewith to subsist upon; and thus they did establish peace in all the land.

4 他們又開始昌盛而日漸強大,第二十六年和二十七年過去了,那裡秩序井然;他們以公平與正義制定法律。

4 And they began again to prosper and to wax great; and the twenty and sixth and seventh years passed away, and there was great aorder in the land; and they had formed their laws according to equity and justice.

5 除非人民陷入罪中,否則全境之內沒有任何事情能阻礙人民繼續昌盛。

5 And now there was nothing in all the land to hinder the people from prospering continually, except they should fall into transgression.

6 在這地建立這極度和平的,就是吉吉度乃、法官拉康以阿斯,以及那些被委任為領袖的人。

6 And now it was aGidgiddoni, and the judge, bLachoneus, and those who had been appointed leaders, who had established this great peace in the land.

7 事情是這樣的,他們建了許多新城市,修復了許多舊城市。

7 And it came to pass that there were many cities built anew, and there were many old cities repaired.

8 他們興建了許多公路,也造了許多道路通往各城、各地,以及各處。

8 And there were many ahighways cast up, and many roads made, which led from city to city, and from land to land, and from place to place.

9 第二十八年就這樣過去了,人民享有持續的和平。

9 And thus passed away the twenty and eighth year, and the people had continual peace.

10 但是事情是這樣的,到了第二十九年,人民之中起了一些爭論;有些人因為非常富有而驕傲自大,是的,甚至大肆迫害別人;

10 But it came to pass in the twenty and ninth year there began to be some disputings among the people; and some were lifted up unto pride and aboastings because of their exceedingly great riches, yea, even unto great persecutions;

11 因為當地有很多商人,也有很多律師和很多官吏。

11 For there were many amerchants in the land, and also manyblawyers, and many officers.

12 人民開始以財富和學習的機會劃分階級;是的,有人因貧窮而無知,有人因富有而很有學問。

12 And the people began to be distinguished by ranks, according to their ariches and their chances for learning; yea, some werebignorant because of their poverty, and others did receive greatclearning because of their riches.

13 有人驕傲自大,有人非常謙卑;有人以辱罵還辱罵,有人雖受盡辱罵、迫害及各種折磨,也不轉身罵人,唯在神前謙卑悔改。

13 Some were lifted up in pride, and others were exceedingly humble; some did return railing for railing, while others would receive railing and apersecution and all manner of bafflictions, and would not turn and crevile again, but were humble and penitent before God.

14 各地就這樣形成了極端的不平等,以致教會開始分裂;是的,到了第三十年,除了少數歸信真正信仰的拉曼人外,各地的教會都分裂了;那些拉曼人不會離開教會,因為他們堅定穩固不移,願意盡最大的努力遵守主的誡命。

14 And thus there became a great inequality in all the land, insomuch that the church began to be broken up; yea, insomuch that in the thirtieth year the church was broken up in all the land save it were among a few of the Lamanites who were converted unto the true faith; and athey would not depart from it, for they were firm, and steadfast, and immovable, willing with allbdiligence to keep the commandments of the Lord.

15 人民犯罪的原因是:撒但有強大的力量煽動人民行各種惡事,使他們驕傲而張狂,引誘他們追求權力、權柄、財富和世間無益的事物。

15 Now the cause of this iniquity of the people was this—aSatanhad great bpower, unto the stirring up of the people to do all manner of iniquity, and to the puffing them up with pride, tempting them to seek for power, and authority, and criches, and the vain things of the world.

16 撒但就這樣誘騙人心,使他們行各種惡事,所以他們只享受了幾年的和平。

16 And thus Satan did lead away the hearts of the people to do all manner of iniquity; therefore they had enjoyed peace but a few years.

17 因此,到了第三十年初──人民被交出去一段很長的時間,受魔鬼的誘惑擺佈,任他牽著走,去做他要他們做的一切惡事──因此,在這第三十年初,他們已處於非常邪惡的狀態中。

17 And thus, in the commencement of the thirtieth year—the people having been adelivered up for the space of a long time to be carried about by the btemptations of the devil whithersoever he desired to carry them, and to do whatsoever iniquity he desired they should—and thus in the commencement of this, the thirtieth year, they were in a state of awful wickedness.

18 他們並非因無知而犯罪,他們已被教導,知道神對他們的旨意;所以他們是故意反叛神。

18 Now they did not sin aignorantly, for they knew the bwill of God concerning them, for it had been taught unto them; therefore they did wilfully crebel against God.

19 這是拉康以阿斯的兒子拉康以阿斯的時代,因為拉康以阿斯已在那年接下他父親的席位管理人民。

19 And now it was in the days of Lachoneus, the son ofaLachoneus, for Lachoneus did fill the seat of his father and did govern the people that year.

20 開始有些人蒙得來自天上的靈感,奉派到各地,站在人民之中傳道,勇敢見證人民的罪惡和不義,並見證主將救贖祂的人民,換句話說,就是基督的復活;他們也勇敢見證基督的死亡與受難。

20 And there began to be men ainspired from heaven and sent forth, standing among the people in all the land, preaching and testifying boldly of the sins and iniquities of the people, and testifying unto them concerning the redemption which the Lord would make for his people, or in other words, the resurrection of Christ; and they did testify boldly of his bdeath and sufferings.

21 很多人因那些見證這些事的人而非常憤怒;那些憤怒的人,大多是首席法官和當過大祭司與律師的人;是的,所有的律師都惱怒見證這些事的人。

21 Now there were many of the people who were exceedingly angry because of those who testified of these things; and those who were angry were chiefly the chief judges, and they who ahadbeen high priests and lawyers; yea, all those who were lawyers were angry with those who testified of these things.

22 律師、法官和大祭司都無權定人死罪,除非他們的判決經當地統治者簽署。

22 Now there was no lawyer nor judge nor high priest that could have power to condemn any one to death save their condemnation was signed by the governor of the land.

23 許多勇敢見證有關基督的事的人遭逮捕後,被法官祕密處死,他們被處死的消息,直到他們死後才讓統治者知道。

23 Now there were many of those awho testified of the things pertaining to Christ who testified boldly, who were taken and put to death bsecretly by the judges, that the knowledge of their death came not unto the governor of the land until after their death.

24 現在看啊,除非當地統治者給他們權力,處死任何人都是違法的。

24 Now behold, this was contrary to the laws of the land, that any man should be put to death except they had power from the governor of the land—

25 因此民怨上達柴雷罕拉地,上達那地的統治者,檢舉法官違法處死主的先知。

25 Therefore a complaint came up unto the land of Zarahemla, to the governor of the land, against these judges who had condemned the prophets of the Lord unto adeath, not according to the law.

26 事情是這樣的,他們被捕,並被帶到法官面前,依照人民所定的法律,按他們的罪行受審。

26 Now it came to pass that they were taken and brought up before the judge, to be judged of the crime which they had done, according to the alaw which had been given by the people.

27 事情是這樣的,那些法官有很多親戚朋友;其餘的人,是的,幾乎所有的律師、大祭司都集合在一起,與那些即將依法受審的法官的親屬聯合起來。

27 Now it came to pass that those judges had many friends and kindreds; and the remainder, yea, even almost all the lawyers and the high priests, did gather themselves together, and unite with the kindreds of those judges who were to be tried according to the law.

28 他們彼此立約,是的,就是立古人傳下來的約,那誓約由魔鬼所定和主持,為的是聯合起來反對一切正義。

28 And they did enter into a acovenant one with another, yea, even into that covenant which was given by them of old, which covenant was given and administered by the bdevil, to combine against all righteousness.

29 因此他們聯合起來反對主的人民,立約毀滅他們,要從公道的掌握中救出將被依法治罪的殺人犯。

29 Therefore they did combine against the people of the Lord, and enter into a covenant to destroy them, and to deliver those who were guilty of murder from the grasp of justice, which was about to be administered according to the law.

30 他們公然反抗國家法律和權力,彼此立約要毀滅統治者,並要立統治這地,使這地不再有自由,人民都必須臣服於國王。

30 And they did set at defiance the law and the rights of their country; and they did covenant one with another to destroy the governor, and to establish a aking over the land, that the land should no more be at bliberty but should be subject unto kings.