
出自 青少年追求卓越
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Section 105

一八三四年六月二十二日,在密蘇里,釣魚河,透過先知約瑟 • 斯密給予的啟示〔教會史,2:108–111〕。暴徒對密蘇里聖徒的暴行增加了,來自數個郡的有組織的群眾,揚言要毀滅這人民,先知率領一個名為錫安營的隊伍,帶著衣服和物資,從嘉德蘭來到此地。這團體在釣魚河邊紮營時,先知蒙得了這啟示。

Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, on Fishing River, Missouri, 22 June 1834 (see History of the Church, 2:108–11). Mob violence against the Saints in Missouri had increased, and organized bodies from several counties had declared their intent to destroy the people. The Prophet had come from Kirtland at the head of a party known as Zion’s Camp, bringing clothing and provisions. While this party was encamped on Fishing River, the Prophet received the revelation.


1–5, Zion will be built up by conformity to celestial law; 6–13, The redemption of Zion is deferred for a little season; 14–19, The Lord will fight the battles of Zion; 20–26, The Saints are to be wise and not boast of mighty works as they gather; 27–30, Lands in Jackson and adjoining counties should be purchased; 31–34, The elders are to receive an endowment in the house of the Lord in Kirtland; 35–37, Saints who are both called and chosen will be sanctified; 38–41, The Saints are to lift an ensign of peace to the world.

1 我實在告訴你們,你們聚集在一起,想知道有關我受苦的人民的救贖,我的意思如何── 

1 Verily I say unto you who have assembled yourselves together that you may learn my will concerning the aredemption of mine afflicted people—

2 看啊,我告訴你們,要不是我的人民違誡,我是說教會而不是說個人,他們現在可能已被救贖了。

2 Behold, I say unto you, were it not for the atransgressions of my people, speaking concerning the church and not individuals, they might have been redeemed even now.

3 但是看啊,他們沒有學會服從我向他們手中要求的事,反而充滿各種邪惡,不盡聖徒的本分,不他們的財物分給他們中間貧窮困苦的人;

3 But behold, they have not learned to be obedient to the things which I required at their hands, but are full of all manner of evil, and do not aimpart of their substance, as becometh saints, to the poor and afflicted among them;

4 也不按照高榮國度的律法所要求的團結,團結起來;

4 And are not aunited according to the union required by the law of the celestial kingdom;

5 除非藉著高榮國度律法的原則,錫安就不能建立起來;否則我就不能接受她為我自己的。

5 And aZion cannot be built up bunless it is by the cprinciples of the dlaw of the celestial kingdom; otherwise I cannot receive her unto myself.

6 我的人民必須受管教,直到他們學會服從,若必須這樣,就由他們所受的痛苦的事來學習。

6 And my people must needs be achastened until they learnbobedience, if it must needs be, by the things which they csuffer.

7 我不是說那些被指定領導我人民的人,他們是我教會最初的長老們,因為他們並非都處於這罪罰之下;

7 I speak not concerning those who are appointed to lead my people, who are the afirst elders of my church, for they are not all under this condemnation;

8 我說的是我在外地的各教會──有許多人會說:他們的神在哪裡?看啊,祂會在他們苦難的時候解救他們,否則我們不上錫安去,而且我們要把錢留著。

8 But I speak concerning my churches abroad—there are many who will say: Where is their God? Behold, he will adeliver them in time of trouble, otherwise we will not go up unto Zion, and will keep our moneys.

9 所以,由於我人民違誡,我認為我的長老必須為錫安的救贖,等待一段短時期──

9 Therefore, in consequence of the atransgressions of my people, it is expedient in me that mine elders should wait for a little season for the bredemption of Zion—

10 好使他們準備好,也使我的人民更完全地受到教導,獲得經驗,更完全地知道他們的職責和我向他們手中要求的事。

10 That they themselves may be prepared, and that my people may be ataught more perfectly, and have experience, and know more perfectly concerning their bduty, and the things which I require at their hands.

11 但是在我的長老得來自高天的能力之前,這事不可能發生。

11 And this cannot be brought to pass until mine aelders arebendowed with power from on high.

12 看啊,只要他們忠信,並繼續在我面前謙卑,我已準備好偉大的恩道門和祝福要傾注在他們身上。

12 For behold, I have prepared a great endowment and blessing to be apoured out upon them, inasmuch as they are faithful and continue in humility before me.

13 所以我認為我的長老必須為錫安的救贖,等待一段短時期。

13 Therefore it is expedient in me that mine elders should wait for a little season, for the redemption of Zion.

14 看啊,我並不向他們手中要求為錫安作戰;因為,正如我在以前的誡命中說的,我必實現──我會為你們作戰

14 For behold, I do not require at their hands to fight the battles of Zion; for, as I said in a former commandment, even so will I fulfil—I will afight your battles.

15 看啊,我已派毀滅者去毀滅和摧毀我的敵人;今後不出幾年,他們必不能留下來污染我的繼承產業,在我為聚集我聖徒而聖化的土地上褻瀆我的名。

15 Behold, the adestroyer I have sent forth to destroy and lay waste mine benemies; and not many years hence they shall not be left to pollute mine heritage, and to cblaspheme my name upon the lands which I have dconsecrated for the gathering together of my saints.

16 看啊,我已命令我僕人小約瑟 • 斯密去告訴我家的力量,即我的戰士,我的青年和中年人,為我人民的救贖而聚集起來,推倒我敵人的塔,驅散他們的守望人;

16 Behold, I have commanded my servant Joseph Smith, Jun., to say unto the astrength of my house, even my warriors, my young men, and middle-aged, to gather together for the redemption of my people, and throw down the towers of mine enemies, and scatter their bwatchmen;

17 但我家的力量沒有聽我的話。

17 But the strength of mine house have not hearkened unto my words.

18 但是只要有人聽我的話,若那些人繼續忠信,我已為他們準備了祝福和道門。

18 But inasmuch as there are those who have hearkened unto my words, I have prepared a blessing and an aendowment for them, if they continue faithful.

19 我已聽到他們的祈禱,也會接受他們的奉獻;我認為,為了考驗他們的信心,必須讓他們被帶到這個地步。

19 I have heard their prayers, and will accept their offering; and it is expedient in me that they should be brought thus far for aatrial of their bfaith.

20 現在,我實在告訴你們,我給你們一條誡命,凡是來到這裡,又能留在周圍地區的,就讓他們留下來;

20 And now, verily I say unto you, a commandment I give unto you, that as many as have come up hither, that can stay in the region round about, let them stay;

21 那些在東部有家,不能留下來的,他們要照我僕人約瑟指定他們的,停留一段短時期;

21 And those that cannot stay, who have families in the east, let them tarry for a little season, inasmuch as my servant Joseph shall appoint unto them;

22 關於這事,我會勸告他,他指定他們的一切事,都必實現。

22 For I will counsel him concerning this matter, and all things whatsoever he shall appoint unto them shall be fulfilled.

23 我所有居住在周圍地區的人民,都要在我面前非常忠信、常常祈禱並且謙卑,不要透露我向他們透露的事,直到我的智慧認為應該透露的時候。

23 And let all my people who dwell in the regions round about be very faithful, and prayerful, and humble before me, and reveal not the things which I have revealed unto them, until it is wisdom in me that they should be revealed.

24 不要談論審判,不要誇耀信心,也不要誇耀奇妙的事工,但要小心地聚集在一起,盡可能在一個地區,與人民的感覺一致;

24 Talk not of judgments, neither aboast of faith nor of mightybworks, but carefully gather together, as much in one region as can be, consistently with the feelings of the people;

25 看啊,當你們對人民說:依照法律為我們施行公平和公義、補償我們所受的冤屈時,我會使你們在他們眼中有好感和恩典,使你們能在和平、安全中安息。

25 And behold, I will give unto you favor and grace in their eyes, that you may rest in apeace and safety, while you are saying unto the people: Execute judgment and justice for us according to law, and redress us of our bwrongs.

26 現在,看啊,我的朋友們,我告訴你們,這樣你們就可以在人民眼中找到好感,直到以色列的軍隊成為非常壯大。

26 Now, behold, I say unto you, my friends, in this way you may find favor in the eyes of the people, until the aarmy of Israel becomes very great.

27 我要像軟化法老的心那樣,不時軟化人民的心,直到我僕人小約瑟 • 斯密和我指定的長老們,有時間聚集我家的力量,

27 And I will soften the hearts of the people, as I did the heart ofaPharaoh, from time to time, until my servant Joseph Smith, Jun., and mine elders, whom I have appointed, shall have time to gather up the strength of my house,

28 並派遣明智的人,達成我命令的事,關於購買在傑克森郡能購買的所有土地,和周圍鄰近各郡的土地。

28 And to have sent awise men, to fulfil that which I have commanded concerning the bpurchasing of all the lands in Jackson county that can be purchased, and in the adjoining counties round about.

29 我的意思是,這些土地都要買下來;買下來後,我的聖徒就要按照我給予的獻納律法擁有這些土地。

29 For it is my will that these lands should be purchased; and after they are purchased that my saints should possess them according to the laws of aconsecration which I have given.

30 這些土地買下來後,以色列的軍隊佔有他們自己以前用錢買來的土地,推倒那可能在他們土地上的我敵人的塔,驅散他們的守望人,以及替我向我的敵人報復,直到恨我的人的三、四代,我都會認為是沒有罪的。

30 And after these lands are purchased, I will hold the aarmies of Israel guiltless in taking possession of their own lands, which they have previously purchased with their moneys, and of throwing down the towers of mine enemies that may be upon them, and scattering their watchmen, and bavenging me of mine enemies unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me.

31 但是首先我的軍隊要成為非常壯大,並在我面前聖化,使其美麗如太陽,皎潔如月亮,使她的旌旗令萬國害怕;

31 But first let my army become very great, and let it beasanctified before me, that it may become fair as the sun, and clear as the bmoon, and that her banners may be terrible unto all nations;

32 使這世界的各國不得不承認錫安的國度確確實實是我們的神和祂的基督的國度;所以,讓我們順從她的律法。

32 That the kingdoms of this world may be constrained to acknowledge that the kingdom of Zion is in very deed theakingdom of our God and his Christ; therefore, let us becomebsubject unto her laws.

33 我實在告訴你們,我認為我教會中最初的長老們,必須在我的家宅中接受來自高天的道門;我已命令要在嘉德蘭地為我的名建造那家宅。

33 Verily I say unto you, it is expedient in me that the first elders of my church should receive their aendowment from on high in my house, which I have commanded to be built unto my name in the land of Kirtland.

34 那些我給予的有關錫安的誡命和她的律法,要在錫安被救贖後執行和實現。

34 And let those commandments which I have given concerning Zion and her alaw be executed and fulfilled, after her redemption.

35 從前有召喚日,但是揀選日的時辰已到;那些配稱的要被揀選。

35 There has been a day of acalling, but the time has come for a day of choosing; and let those be chosen that are bworthy.

36 那些被揀選的,將由靈的聲音向我僕人顯明;而他們必被聖化

36 And it shall be amanifest unto my servant, by the voice of the Spirit, those that are bchosen; and they shall be csanctified;

37 只要他們遵行他們得到的勸告,許多日子以後,他們必有能力完成關於錫安的一切事務。

37 And inasmuch as they follow the acounsel which they receive, they shall have power bafter many days to accomplish all things pertaining to Zion.

38 我再告訴你們,謀求和平,不僅向打擊你們的人,也要向所有的人;

38 And again I say unto you, sue for apeace, not only to the people that have smitten you, but also to all people;

39 舉起和平旌旗,向大地各端發出和平的宣言;

39 And lift up an aensign of bpeace, and make a proclamation of peace unto the ends of the earth;

40 按照你們裡面的靈的聲音,向那些打擊你們的人,提出和平的提議;萬事將互相效力,叫你們得益處。

40 And make proposals for peace unto those who have smitten you, according to the voice of the Spirit which is in you, and aallthings shall work together for your good.

41 所以,要忠信;看啊,看,我你們同在,一直到底。正如這樣。阿們。

41 Therefore, be faithful; and behold, and lo, I am awith you even unto the end. Even so. Amen.