
出自 青少年追求卓越
前往: 導覽搜尋


Section 17

一八二九年六月,於 紐約, 菲也特,透過先知 約瑟 • 斯密給 奧利佛 • 考德里、 大衛 • 惠特茂和 馬丁 • 哈里斯的啟示;那時他們尚未看見刻有 摩爾門經紀錄的頁片〔 教會史,1:52–57〕。 約瑟和他的抄寫員 奧利佛 • 考德里,從 摩爾門經頁片的譯文中得知,將指派三位特別證人(見 以帖書5:2–4; 尼腓二書11:3; 27:12)。 奧利佛 • 考德里、 大衛 • 惠特茂、 馬丁 • 哈里斯受靈感召,渴望成為那三位特別證人。先知求問主,而本啟示就是透過烏陵和土明而給的答覆。

Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, and Martin Harris, at Fayette, New York, June 1829, prior to their viewing the engraved plates that contained the Book of Mormon record (see History of the Church, 1:52–57). Joseph and his scribe, Oliver Cowdery, had learned from the translation of the Book of Mormon plates that three special witnesses would be designated (see Ether 5:2–4; 2 Nephi 11:3; 27:12). Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, and Martin Harris were moved upon by an inspired desire to be the three special witnesses. The Prophet inquired of the Lord, and this revelation was given in answer through the Urim and Thummim.


1–4, By faith the Three Witnesses will see the plates and other sacred items; 5–9, Christ bears testimony of the divinity of the Book of Mormon.

1 看啊,我告訴你們,你們一定要信靠我的話,如果你們全心全意地這樣做,你們就會見到頁片、胸牌、拉班劍,也會看到主與雅列的哥哥在山上面對面講話時,給他的烏陵和土明,以及在紅海邊的曠野裡,給李海的神奇導向器。

1 Behold, I say unto you, that you must rely upon my word, which if you do with full purpose of heart, you shall have a aview of thebplates, and also of the cbreastplate, the dsword of Laban, theeUrim and Thummim, which were given to the fbrother of Jared upon the mount, when he talked with the Lord gface to face, and the hmiraculous directors which were given to Lehi while in the wilderness, on the borders of the iRed Sea.

2 那是由於你們的信心,你們才可以看到這些,那也是古代先知所具有的信心。

2 And it is by your faith that you shall obtain a view of them, even by that faith which was had by the prophets of old.

3 在你們獲得了信心,又親眼見到這些東西後,就要藉神的能力為這些東西見證;

3 And after that you have obtained faith, and have seen them with your eyes, you shall atestify of them, by the power of God;

4 你們要這樣做,使我的僕人小約瑟 • 斯密不致被毀滅,也使我藉這事工,為了人類兒女而實現我正義的目的。

4 And this you shall do that my servant Joseph Smith, Jun., may not be destroyed, that I may bring about my righteous purposes unto the children of men in this work.

5 你們要見證你們曾見到這些東西就像我的僕人小約瑟 • 斯密那樣見到這些東西;他見到這些東西,是藉著我的能力,也因為他有信心。

5 And ye shall testify that you have seen them, even as my servant Joseph Smith, Jun., has seen them; for it is by my power that he has seen them, and it is because he had faith.

6 而且他翻譯了那本,即我命令他的那部分,像你們的主和你們的神活著一樣,那是真實的。

6 And he has translated the abook, even that bpart which I have commanded him, and as your Lord and your God liveth it is true.

7 因此,你們已獲得像他一樣的能力、一樣的信心和一樣的恩賜;

7 Wherefore, you have received the same power, and the same faith, and the same gift like unto him;

8 如果你們遵行我以上給你們的這些誡命,地獄的門必不能勝過你們;因為我對你們的恩典是充分的,到末日,你們必被高舉

8 And if you do these last acommandments of mine, which I have given you, the bgates of hell shall not prevail against you; for mycgrace is sufficient for you, and you shall be dlifted up at the last day.

9 我,你們的和你們的神耶穌基督,告訴你們這些,使我能為了人類兒女而實現我正義的目的。阿們。

9 And I, Jesus Christ, your aLord and your God, have spoken it unto you, that I might bring about my righteous purposes unto the children of men. Amen.