中英對照/總會大會/2018上/Young Women in the Work

出自 青少年追求卓越
前往: 導覽搜尋
Young Women in the Work
By Bonnie L. Oscarson
Recently Released Young Women General President
Every young woman in the Church should feel valued, have opportunities to serve, and feel that she has something of worth to contribute to this work.


大考中心六級以內用字 92%,大考中心六級以外用字 3%,教會用字 5%。

大考中心1級 306 57%
大考中心2級 64 14%
大考中心3級 41 8%
大考中心4級 35 7%
大考中心5級 17 4%
大考中心6級 10 2%
大考6級以上 50 3%
教會用字 22 5%
總計 522 100%
人名與地名 6 不列入統計



1 A year ago, in the general priesthood session of conference, Bishop Gérald Caussé spoke to the men of the Church describing how Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood holders are inseparable partners in accomplishing the work of salvation.

1 一年前的總會聖職大會上,傑瑞·卡斯主教談到亞倫聖職和麥基洗德聖職持有人,在達成救恩事工的過程裡,是密不可分的夥伴。

2  That message has been a great blessing in helping the young men who hold the Aaronic Priesthood see the part they play in building the kingdom of God on this earth.

2 這項信息是個偉大的祝福,幫助持有亞倫聖職的男青年看到,自己在建立神世上的國度時所扮演的角色。

3 Their joint service strengthens the Church and brings about deeper conversion and commitment in the hearts of our young men as they see the value of their contribution and how magnificent this work is.

3 這兩種聖職持有人一起服務便會鞏固教會。當我們的男青年看到自己作出貢獻的價值,和這事工是那麼奇妙的時候,便在心中促成更深的歸信與承諾。

4 Today I would like for my remarks to be a bookend to that message as I talk about the young women of the Church, who are equally needed and essential in accomplishing the work of the Lord in their families and in His Church.

4 今天我要呼應卡斯主教的信息,來談談教會中的女青年,對於在主的教會和自己的家庭中達成祂的事工,女青年同樣也是被需要且不可或缺的。

5 Like Bishop Caussé, I lived in a small branch of the Church during a good part of my teen years, and I was often asked to fulfill assignments and callings that would normally have been done by adults.

5 就像卡斯主教,我青少年時期大部分時間也住在教會一個小分會的地區裡,經常被邀請去完成那些通常是由成年人擔任的指派或召喚。

6 For example, those of us in the youth program often took the lead in helping organize and run our activities and special events.

6 例如,我們男女青年往往要帶領協助舉辦和推行我們自己的活動和其他特別節目。

7 We wrote plays, formed a singing group to entertain at branch activities, and were full participants in every meeting.

7 我們編寫劇本,組織了唱詩小組在分會活動中表演,並參與分會的所有聚會。

8 I was called to be the branch music leader and led the singing in sacrament meeting each week.

8 我被召喚擔任分會的音樂領袖,在每個禮拜的聖餐聚會帶領大家唱詩。

9 It was a great experience as a 16-year-old to stand in front of everyone in the branch each Sunday and lead them in singing the hymns.

9 對於一位16歲的女孩來說,能夠在每個星期天站在分會的每個人面前,帶領大家唱詩,是個相當棒的經驗。

10 I felt needed and knew I had something to contribute.

10 我感覺到被需要,也知道我是能有所貢獻的。

11 People depended on me to be there, and I loved feeling useful.

11 大家都需要我在那裡服務,我很愛感覺到自己是個有用的人。

12 That experience helped build my testimony of Jesus Christ, and just as it did for Bishop Caussé, it anchored my life in gospel service.

12 那個經驗幫助我建立了對耶穌基督的見證,就像卡斯主教一樣,那經驗成為我一生在福音中服務的碇錨。

13 Each member should know how much he or she is needed.

13 每一位成員都需要知道,自己是多麼的被需要。

14 Each person has something important to contribute and has unique talents and abilities that help move this important work along.

14 每個人都能作出重要的貢獻,都有獨特的才能和能力,來幫助推動這重要的事工。

15 Our young men have Aaronic Priesthood duties described in the Doctrine and Covenants that are rather visible.

15 男青年在亞倫聖職的各項職責,已清楚地寫在教義和聖約裡。

16 It may be less obvious to the young women of the Church, their parents, and their leaders that, from the time they are baptized, young women have covenant responsibilities “to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that [they] may be in, even until death.”

16 但對教會中的女青年、她們的家長和領袖來說,女青年的職責就好像不那麼明確;其實從女青年受洗時開始,她們就具有聖約中的責任要「與哀者同哀,是的,安慰需要安慰的人,也願意隨時隨地,在所有的事上作神的證人,直到死亡」。

17  Young women have opportunities to fulfill these responsibilities in their wards and branches and when they serve in class presidencies, on youth councils, and in other callings.

17 當女青年在班級會長團、青少年議會和其他召喚上服務時,便能有機會在自己的支分會中履行這些職責。

18 Every young woman in the Church should feel valued, have opportunities to serve, and feel that she has something of worth to contribute to this work.

18 教會中的每一位女青年都應覺得被重視,有機會去服務,並且覺得自己能為這事工作出有價值的貢獻。

19 In Handbook 2, we learn that the work of salvation within our wards includes “member missionary work, convert retention, activation of less-active members, temple and family history work, and teaching the gospel.”

19 指導手冊第二冊教導,我們支會中的救恩事工包括「教會成員傳道事工、歸信者存留、使較不活躍的成員恢復活躍、聖殿和家譜事工,以及教導福音」。

20  This work is directed by our faithful bishops, who hold priesthood keys for their ward.

20 這事工是由忠信的主教帶領,他持有支會的聖職權鑰。

21 For many years now, our presidency has been asking the question “Which of these areas mentioned should our young women not be involved in?”

21 我們會長團這些年來一直在思考這個問題:「在手冊提到的事工中,有哪一項是我們女青年不該參與的?」

22 The answer is that they have something to contribute in all areas of this work.

22 答案是,她們在神的事工的所有層面都能有所貢獻。

23 For example, I recently met several young women in the Las Vegas area who have been called to serve as ward temple and family history consultants.

23 比如說,我最近認識了幾位拉斯維加斯地區的女青年,她們被召喚擔任支會的聖殿和家譜顧問。

24 They were glowing with enthusiasm about being able to teach and help members of their ward find their ancestors.

24 她們對於能夠教導並幫助支會成員找尋祖先,感到雀躍興奮。

25 They had valuable skills on the computer, had learned how to use FamilySearch, and were excited to share that knowledge with others.

25 她們擁有使用電腦的寶貴技能,知道如何使用FamilySearch,也很高興能和人分享這些知識。

26 It was clear that they had testimonies and an understanding of the importance of seeking out the names of our deceased ancestors so that essential saving ordinances can be performed for them in the temple.

26 顯而易見的是,她們明白找出已逝祖先的名字,以及為他們在聖殿裡執行必要的拯救教儀的重要性,並對此事有見證。

27 Several months ago, I had the opportunity to test an idea with two 14-year-old young women.

27 幾個月前,我有機會和兩位14歲的女青年測試一個想法。

28 I obtained copies of two actual ward council agendas and gave Emma and Maggie each a copy.

28 我拿到兩份真正的支會議會議程,並把它們各一份分別交給愛瑪與瑪姬。

29 I asked them to read over the agendas and see if there were any action items from the ward councils in which they might be able to be of service.

29 我請她們看完那些議程,看看支會議會的行動項目中,有沒有她們可以提供服務的地方。

30 Emma saw that a new family was moving into the ward, and she said she could help them move in and unpack.

30 愛瑪看到有個家庭即將搬進這個支會,她說她可以幫忙他們搬家,把東西收拾定位。

31 She thought she could befriend the children in the family and show them around their new school.

31 她想她可以和那個家庭的孩子作朋友,帶他們參觀新學校。

32 She saw there was a ward dinner coming up and felt there were many different ways she could offer her services.

32 她看到支會即將舉辦晚餐聚會,她覺得自己可以在那個活動中提供很多不同的服務。

33 Maggie saw that there were several elderly people in the ward who needed visits and fellowshipping.

33 瑪姬看到支會中有許多年長的成員,需要人去探訪和交誼。

34 She said she would love to visit with and be of help to these wonderful older members.

34 她說她很樂意和這些美好的年長成員說說話,幫助他們。

35 She also felt she could help teach members of the ward how to set up and use social media accounts.

35 她還覺得,她可以幫忙教導支會成員如何設定和使用社群媒體帳號。

36 There really wasn’t one thing on those agendas with which those two young women could not help!

36 在那些議程的事項中,真的沒有一件事是那兩位女青年幫不上忙的!

37 Do those who sit on ward councils, or hold any calling in the ward, see the young women as valuable resources to help fill the many needs within our wards?

37 各位在支會議會服務,或是在支會擔任召喚的弟兄姊妹,你們是否看出女青年是協助支會滿足服務需求的寶貴資源呢?

38 There is usually a long list of situations that require someone to serve, and we often think only of the adults in the ward to meet those needs.

38 支會裡通常都有一長串的服務需求清單,而我們往往只想到要找支會中的成年人來滿足這些需求。

39 Just as our Aaronic Priesthood holders have been invited to labor with their fathers and other men of the Melchizedek Priesthood, our young women can be called upon to provide service and minister to the needs of ward members with their mothers or other exemplary sisters.

39 正如亞倫聖職持有人被邀請與他們持有麥基洗德聖職的父親或其他弟兄一同服務一樣,我們的女青年也能被召喚與她們的母親或其他優秀的姊妹們,一起服務和施助支會成員。

40 They are capable, eager, and willing to do so much more than merely attend church on Sundays!

40 她們有能力和渴望,也願意做更多的事,不只是每個星期天參加教會聚會而已!

41 As we consider the roles that our young women will be expected to assume in the near future, we might ask ourselves what kind of experiences we could provide for them now that will help with their preparation to be missionaries, gospel scholars, leaders in the Church auxiliaries, temple workers, wives, mothers, mentors, examples, and friends.

41 當我們思考女青年在不久的將來要擔當的角色時,我們應該反問自己,現在能為她們提供什麼經驗,幫助她們準備好成為傳教士、福音學者、教會輔助組織的領袖、聖殿工作人員、妻子、母親、顧問和朋友呢。

42 They can actually begin now to fill many of those roles.

42 其實她們現在就能開始擔當這其中的許多角色。

43 Youth are often asked to help teach lessons on Sunday in their classes.

43 青少年在星期天經常受到邀請在自己的班級協助教導課程。

44 Opportunities are now available for our young women to perform service in the temple previously completed by ordinance workers or volunteers when they attend with their youth groups to perform baptisms for the dead.

44 現在,女青年與青少年團體去聖殿代替死者接受洗禮時,她們也有機會去做以往只有教儀工作人員或義工才能做的服務。

45 Our Primary-age girls are now invited to attend Temple and Priesthood Preparation meetings, which will help them understand that they too are important participants in priesthood-directed work.

45 初級會年紀的女孩,現在也受邀參與聖殿和聖職準備聚會,這會幫助她們了解,在聖職指導的事工中,她們也是重要的參與者。

46 They are learning that men, women, youth, and children are all recipients of priesthood blessings and all can take an active role in moving forward the Lord’s work.

46 她們會知道,男人、女人、青少年或兒童都可以獲得聖職的祝福,都可以扮演積極主動的角色來推動主的事工。

47 Bishops, we know your duties are often heavy, but just as one of your highest priorities is to preside over the Aaronic Priesthood quorums, Handbook 2 explains that “the bishop and his counselors provide priesthood leadership for the Young Women organization.

47 各位主教,我們知道你們責任重大,而你們最重要的職責之一,就是要主領亞倫聖職定額組,指導手冊第二冊中說明:「主教和他的諮理要為女青年組織提供聖職領導。

48 They watch over and strengthen individual young women, working closely with parents and Young Women leaders in this effort.”

48 他們要和父母及女青年領袖在這項工作上密切合作,看顧和堅固每位女青年。」

49 It also states that “the bishop and his counselors regularly participate in Young Women meetings, service, and activities.”

49 書中也提到:「主教和他的諮理要定期參加女青年的聚會、服務和活動。」

50  We are grateful for bishops who take the time to visit Young Women classes and who provide opportunities for young women to be more than mere spectators of the work.

50 我們感激各位主教抽出時間探訪女青年班級,讓女青年有機會參與事工,而不是袖手旁觀。

51 Thank you for making sure your young women are valued participants in meeting the needs of ward members!

51 感謝你們讓女青年協助滿足支會成員的需求,成為有價值的參與者!

52 These opportunities to serve in meaningful ways bless them much more than activities in which they are just entertained.

52 比起娛樂性質的活動,這些有意義的服務機會能帶給女青年更大的祝福。

53 To you, the young women of the Church, your teenage years can be busy and often challenging.

53 我要對你們這些教會中的女青年們說,十幾歲的這段日子可以是很忙碌,而且往往充滿著挑戰。

54 We have noticed that many more of you are struggling with issues of self-worth, anxiety, high levels of stress, and perhaps even depression.

54 我們注意到你們之中有很多人深受自我價值、焦慮、壓力大,甚至是抑鬱的問題所困。

55 Turning your thoughts outward, instead of dwelling on your own problems, may not resolve all of these issues, but service can often lighten your burdens and make your challenges seem less hard.

55 與其老是擔心自己的問題,不如將你們的思緒轉向外。去服務或許不能解決所有問題,但往往能減輕你們的重擔,讓你們感覺挑戰不再那麼難。

56 One of the best ways to increase feelings of self-worth is to show, through our concern and service to others, that we have much of worth to contribute.

56 其中一個提升自我價值的最好方法,就是藉由關心與服務他人,展現出我們能作有價值的貢獻。

57  I encourage you young women to raise your hands to volunteer and to put those hands to work when you see needs around you.

57 我鼓勵各位女青年,在看到周遭有人需要幫助時,你會舉起手,自願動手幫忙。

58 As you fulfill your covenant responsibilities and participate in building the kingdom of God, blessings will flow into your life and you’ll discover the deep and lasting joy of discipleship.

58 當你履行聖約中的職責,並參與建立神的國度時,祝福將傾注於你的生命中,你將找到因門徒身份而來的深層且持久的喜樂。

59 Brothers and sisters, our young women are amazing.

59 弟兄姊妹們,我們的女青年很棒。

60 They have talents, unlimited enthusiasm, and energy, and they are compassionate and caring.

60 她們有才能,無限的熱忱和活力,也有同情心和愛心。

61 They want to be of service.

61 她們想要為人服務。

62 They need to know they are valued and essential in the work of salvation.

62 她們需要知道,她們在救恩的事工中,是受到重視且不可或缺的。

63 Just as young men prepare in the Aaronic Priesthood for greater service as they advance into the Melchizedek Priesthood, our young women are preparing to become members of the greatest women’s organization on the earth—the Relief Society.

63 正如男青年在亞倫聖職中預備晉升到麥基洗德聖職,以提供更偉大的服務一樣,女青年也在預備加入全球最大的婦女組織——慈助會。

64 Together, these beautiful, strong, faithful young women and young men are preparing to be wives and husbands, and mothers and fathers who will raise families worthy of the celestial kingdom of God.

64 這些美麗、堅強且忠信的女青年,與男青年將一起準備成為妻子和丈夫、母親和父親,以培育配稱進入神的高榮國度的家庭。

65 I testify that the work of our Heavenly Father is to bring about the immortality and eternal life of His children.

65 我要見證,天父的事工是為了促成祂兒女的不死和永生。

66  Our precious young women have an important role to play in helping to accomplish this great work.

66 我們寶貴的女青年在協助完成這項偉大事工上,扮演著重要的角色。

67 In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

67 奉耶穌基督的名,阿們。


單字 次數 級別
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A 12 大考中心1級
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Covenants 1 教會用字
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men 8 大考中心1級
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missionary 1 大考中心6級
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People 2 大考中心1級
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person 1 大考中心1級
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previously 1 大考中心3級
priesthood 14 教會用字
Primary 1 大考中心3級
priorities 1 大考中心5級
problems 1 大考中心1級
program 1 大考中心3級
provide 4 大考中心2級
put 1 大考中心1級
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quorums 1 教會用字
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really 1 大考中心1級
recently 1 大考中心2級
recipients 1 大考中心6級
regularly 1 大考中心2級
Relief 1 大考中心3級
remarks 1 大考中心4級
require 1 大考中心2級
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resources 1 大考中心3級
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school 1 大考中心1級
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small 1 大考中心1級
so 2 大考中心1級
social 1 大考中心2級
Society 1 大考中心2級
someone 1 大考中心1級
something 4 大考中心1級
special 1 大考中心1級
spectators 1 大考中心5級
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stand 3 大考中心1級
states 1 大考中心1級
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stress 1 大考中心2級
strong 1 大考中心1級
struggling 1 大考中心2級
Sundays 1 大考6級以上
sure 1 大考中心1級
take 2 大考中心1級
talents 2 大考中心2級
talk 1 大考中心1級
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teen 1 大考中心2級
teenage 1 大考中心2級
temple 6 大考中心2級
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testimonies 1 大考6級以上
testimony 1 教會用字
than 3 大考中心1級
Thank 1 大考中心1級
That 28 大考中心1級
the 79 大考中心1級
Their 15 大考中心1級
them 8 大考中心1級
there 7 大考中心1級
these 6 大考中心1級
they 23 大考中心1級
thing 1 大考中心1級
things 1 大考中心1級
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this 8 大考中心1級
those 9 大考中心1級
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through 1 大考中心2級
time 2 大考中心1級
times 1 大考中心1級
to 62 大考中心1級
Today 1 大考中心1級
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too 1 大考中心1級
took 1 大考中心1級
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two 3 大考中心1級
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Vegas 1 人名與地名
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visits 1 大考中心1級
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volunteers 1 大考中心4級
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ward 14 大考中心5級
wards 3 大考中心5級
was 6 大考中心1級
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week 1 大考中心1級
were 6 大考中心1級
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when 3 大考中心1級
Which 5 大考中心1級
who 9 大考中心1級
will 5 大考中心1級
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with 12 大考中心1級
within 2 大考中心2級
witnesses 1 大考中心4級
wives 2 大考中心1級
woman 1 大考中心1級
women 27 大考中心1級
wonderful 1 大考中心2級
work 17 大考中心1級
workers 2 大考中心1級
working 1 大考中心1級
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worthy 1 大考中心5級
would 3 大考中心1級
wrote 1 大考中心1級
yea 1 教會用字
year 3 大考中心1級
years 3 大考中心1級
you 8 大考中心1級
young 31 大考中心1級
your 11 大考中心1級
youth 5 大考中心2級
